Nintendo 64
5.000 avg rating 6 ratings
Tabber: archard
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
65059 views 17 years ago
Lon Lon Ranch The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Composed by Koji Kondo 7/15/06 e----------------------------------------------------- B--3-------3-------3-----------------2-3-0---3-3-2-0-- G----4-2-----4-2-----4-2-4-2-------------------------2 D------------------------------4-3-4------------------ A----------------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------------- e------------------------------------------------0---- B--3-------3-------3-----------------0-2-3---3-------3 G----4-2-----4-2-----4-2-4-2-------------------------- D------------------------------4-3-4------------------ A----------------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------------- e--------------------------------------------- B------------1---------1---------------------- G--3-3-3-3-3---3-3-2-2---------0-0-0-0-0-2-3-2 D------------------------3-------------------- A--------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------- e--------------------------------------------- B------------1---------1---------------------- G--3-3-3-3-3---3-3-2-2---------0-0-0-0-0-2-3-2 D------------------------3-------------------- A--------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------- e----------------------------------------------------- B--3-------3-------3-----------------2-3-0---3-3-2-0-- G----4-2-----4-2-----4-2-4-2-------------------------2 D------------------------------4-3-4------------------ A----------------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------------- e------------------------------------------------0---- B--3-------3-------3-----------------0-2-3---3-------3 G----4-2-----4-2-----4-2-4-2-------------------------- D------------------------------4-3-4------------------ A----------------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------------- e-------------------- B-----3---0---------- G-----------2-------- D--0------------3-2-0 A-------------------- E--------------------
@Dennis 18 years ago
thats only the main voice... but does somebody have the background guitare?
@Tricking 18 years ago
yeah... The backgorund guitar is pretty easy.. i can mail it to ya maybe..
@TheOnlyOne 17 years ago
can you send me the background guitar too?
@Thrash-Link 17 years ago
exelent tab, tricking can you send me the back guitar too please =)???
@archard 17 years ago
Why don't you just submit it to this site so I can put it up for everyone to see?
@hardtodacore 17 years ago
please publish the backround guitar on this side greetz from good ol´ germany
@Jake 17 years ago
hi mate the tab is great but can u either post the background tune or email it to me as i cant find it anywhere on the internet and im sick of looking. thanks jake!!
@holly 17 years ago
this is really good, but there's just one little thing that you have to fix: instead of -0-3-0- its -2-3-0-
@snowninja13 17 years ago
Replying to:
@holly this is really good, but there's just one little thing that you have to fix: instead of -0-3-0- its...
im sorry but his sounds better to me
@Jeff 17 years ago
Background guitar. Your welcome.
@TheOnlyOne 17 years ago
Thanks from Bavaria to Jeff!
@gibson 17 years ago
wait, there's more to the background. I remember there bieng 4 chords. There's only 2 here.
@mattman 17 years ago
yo man nice
@stanlay 17 years ago
can anyone send me the complete background ?? jeff's one is good but not complete.
ty !!
@jacques ness monster 17 years ago
I'd love the background chords too. Best song ever!
@Grimmj4w 17 years ago
Could someone also send me the complete background guitar? Thanks.
@Petterrson 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Grimmj4w Could someone also send me the complete background guitar? Thanks.
These are the chord tabs I've been using for the verse for almost ten years now - I think they're fairly correct:
e)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b)--------3--3--------------2---2-----------1--1-----------0--0-----------3--3-----------3--3-----------3--3---------- g)--------2--2--------------2---2-----------2--2-----------0--0-----------3--3-----------2--2-----------0--0---------- d)-----4--------4--------2------2--------0-----0--------0-----0--------3-----3--------0-----0--------0-----0---------- a)--5--------------5--4------------4--3-----------3--2-----------2--1-----------1--0-----------0------------------0--2--4- e)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-----------3----------
...and then there's of course the slightly fast G-A-D thing in the end on the repeat.
I really suck at ASCII illustrations, but the tabs are supposed to be the following chords: D, A/C#, D7/C, G/B, A#, D/A, G, A, D
@Petterrson 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Grimmj4w Could someone also send me the complete background guitar? Thanks.
And as for the second part, these are the chords (I think):
A#, C, F, Dm Gm, C, F, F7 A#, C, F, Dm ??? (not sure about this part)
@jrocker 17 years ago
u guys are assholes...just use guitar pro
@snowninja13 17 years ago
what the hell do you know not everyone has or is goin to get guitar pro idiot
@rancidfetus 17 years ago
Calm down there, snowninja13. If you really need the tab, get the DEMO for Guitar Pro.
@fgsfds 17 years ago
there are also free versions, they work like guitar pro but without all the fancy stuff.
@Shiresky 17 years ago
Nice one ^^
@HerSoulInTimeWithHerHands 16 years ago
It's quite accurate and has the jist of it but with a little variation, you could have got it right on. :) None of the notes were wrong, but there's just a little too less of them. :) Good job anyways :)
@Kamelot28 16 years ago
guitar pro is free. use torrents
good job on the tab! there is one note i would change:
the 0-3-0 on the b string on the first and fifth lines should be 2-3-0 i think
@Kabukibear 15 years ago
Chill out everyone, I did the background part a long time ago. Just look for it under my name, it's accurate.
@hero of the kokiri 12 years ago
is this song diffrent on 3ds? i havent played the new one but i love the old one