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Lost Woods

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Nintendo 64

4.000 avg rating 1 rating

Tabber: yoshistrings

Composer: Koji Kondo

Style: Arrangement, 2 or more instruments

Instrument: Guitar

27351 views 16 years ago

Lost Woods Guitar Tab
Tabbed by:Yoshistrings                                   

  Gtr I
| Gtr II
| Gtr III




|                                Gtr IV

| Gtr II
| Gtr IV




|                               Gtr III




|                                Gtr IV

| Gtr II
| Gtr IV





@yoshistrings 16 years ago

I'll try to put up a recording sometime, so everyone can see what it sounds like.

@Doomjaw 15 years ago

^ it is MASSIVE and i could never be skilled enough to play it MY POOR FINGERS