Nintendo 64
4.833 avg rating 6 ratings
Tabber: Juja
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle
Instrument: Guitar
31756 views 15 years ago
Game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Song: "Minuet of Forest" Composed by: Koji Kondo Tabbed by: Not So Great Juja (Paul Horses) Key: ~ = vibrato p = pull-off h = hammer-on b = bend / = slide pm = palm-mute tr = tremolo picking This certainly isn't as whabbas as a Kabukibear tab or anything, but I thought it'd be nice for peope who want to learn a slightly fancier way to play this song. e|--------0--0----------0--0--| e|----10--7-------5--7--5-----| B|--------0--0----------2--2--| B|--------5--5----------5--5--| G|-----7--4-------2--4--2-----| G|-7------4--4----------6--6--| D|----------------------------| D|----------------------------| A|-5--------------0-----------| A|----------------0-----------| E|-0--------------------------| E|-0--------------------------| e|-----5--3--5-----------------------------------7--12--| B|-5------5--5--8-10-8-7--7-------------------9---------| G|--------5--5---------7--7---9------------9------------| D|--------------0-------------6------6--9---------------| A|-3--------------------------7---7---------------------| E|----------------------------0-------------------------|
@fatalfable 15 years ago
juja i want to thank you for making this tab. i just smiled and felt happy after playing it.