Nintendo 64
4.857 avg rating 7 ratings
Tabber: archard
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
60800 views 17 years ago
Minuet of Forest The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Composed by Koji Kondo 7/17/06 e-----------------------------10-7-----5-7-5 B----3----------------------3--------------- G------4-----2-4-2-------------------------- D--0---------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------- e--0-5-3---5---3-5-3-2-----0 B--------------------------- G--------------------------- D--------------------------- A--------------------------- E---------------------------
@DOJO 17 years ago
@archard 17 years ago
I know it's KWAYZEEEEE
@mazer4455 17 years ago
@Gren 17 years ago
I love this song
@David 17 years ago
Made on change to make it easier for begginers to play
One change only Replace the 3rd fret on the Bstring with an 8th Fret on the Gstrings
@Xation 15 years ago
Replying to:
@David Made on change to make it easier for begginers to play e-----------------------------10-7-----5-7-5...
It helps wiht that longer stretch :) thanks
@kingdomhearts444 12 years ago
Replying to:
@David Made on change to make it easier for begginers to play e-----------------------------10-7-----5-7-5...
Actually, that's one fret too high. Replace the 3 on the B with a 7 on the G, like this:
@David 17 years ago
for got the formatting for it sorry
@Peter 17 years ago
Thanks, this is good stuff for beginners!
@Stamnes 17 years ago
David wrote 8 instead of 7 ;;D
@Melissa 17 years ago
I personally am a beginner, and the change in tabbing really helped. Thanks, guys.
@Nicholas Evans 17 years ago
I'd change It to this :
Or does that sound too crazy?
@rancidfetus 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Nicholas Evans I'd change It to this : e--5---1---3---1-0-3-2-----10 B----3----------------------- G---------------...
Where would this go in this song? It doesn't sound anything like the rest of the song.
@Travis 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Nicholas Evans I'd change It to this : e--5---1---3---1-0-3-2-----10 B----3----------------------- G---------------...
wrong song
@me 17 years ago
i think the song will finish beter with it=
enjoy of the change
@insomniac 17 years ago
the part were it goes 3-5-3-2 i like to do this 3h5p3p2. gives it a better sound i think
@yoshistrings 17 years ago
EXCELENT! Ill be going now.
@yoshistrings 17 years ago
_C' Yoshi! I like it!
@BDawgPHD 17 years ago
lol, I'm three days into learning guitar, but I've learned so much about the theory of it and although I'm not a smooth player I got a decent ear. And it's funny how I read the tab, thought "this is awesome, but it could use a few fixed notes for easier play and some hammer ons/pull offs", and then went on to read the comments that already said it :)
You guys are great :-P
@Anonymous 17 years ago
it sounds better for me...
@Ben 17 years ago
@LoganDC 9 years ago
Replying to:
Ben said
Ben, but I thought that you drowned
@Travis 17 years ago
nicholas evans
@justin 16 years ago
Hey, insomniac, I realize I'm like...Five months late, but still. I do what you do, only instead of 3h5p3p2, I do this 3h5p3s2----0. Sounds much cooler :)
@slayer1578 16 years ago
ss-------------- E--------------------------- asasdsas
@slayer1578 16 years ago
@Zora-Danz 16 years ago
@NAAMxLOOS 15 years ago
Try playing an E major chord on the end, instead of that one note. I personally think it sounds way better.
@Waph 14 years ago
Why you trying to make this song to hard and complicated. The song should be simple not hard.
@apolloflame5 14 years ago
easy ass song
@SkullFyre 3 years ago
It would be easier if it was like this
Instead, you don't need to change the position of the hand while playing