Nintendo 64
4.000 avg rating 2 ratings
Tabber: Chilly tabs
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
11958 views 12 years ago
Minuet of Forest e|------------------------10-7---5-7-5--0-5-3--5--3-5-3-2---0-| B|----3-0-------0-------3-------------------------------------| G|------------2---2-------------------------------------------| D|--0---------------------------------------------------------| A|------------------------------------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------|
@MisterM2402 12 years ago
You could maybe change
e|---10-7-- B|-3------- G|---------
e|---10-7-- B|--------- G|-7-------
That would get rid of the big jump from 3 to 7, give it a more natural fingering.
@Erebus 11 years ago
That's a pretty good point. I second that, friend. It sounds good and feels more natural.