Nintendo 64
3.750 avg rating 4 ratings
Tabber: Rembrant
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
303226 views 17 years ago
Song of Storms e-----8------8----10-11-10-11-10----- B--------------------------------11-8 G-5-8----5-8------------------------- D------------------------------------ A------------------------------------ E------------------------------------ e-------------------------- B-8--------8---8----------- g---8-8-10-------8-8-10-7-- D-------------------------- A-------------------------- E-------------------------- e-----8------8----10-11-10-11-10----- B--------------------------------11-8 G-5-8----5-8------------------------- D------------------------------------ A------------------------------------ E------------------------------------ e-------------------------- B-8--------8---8----------- g---8-8-10-------8-8-10-5-- D-------------------------- A-------------------------- E--------------------------
@Rembrant 17 years ago
Sorry. I emailed this to Archard a while ago and didn't realise there was an error.
The last bar should be
e---------------------- B-8--------8---8----- G---8-8-10-------5- D---------------------- A---------------------- E----------------------
@Coyote 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Rembrant Sorry. I emailed this to Archard a while ago and didn't realise there was an error. The last bar sho...
nice tab the only thing is is that its a whole step too low you need to move every note up two frets because the notes of the song are D F D D F D E F E F E C A and so on just thought id let you all know
@Coyote 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Rembrant Sorry. I emailed this to Archard a while ago and didn't realise there was an error. The last bar sho...
good tab but the entire thing is a whole step off you need to move every note up two frets to play the right notes the notes of the song are D F D D F D E F E F E C A and so on this tab has them as C E C C E C D Eb D Eb D Bb G just thought id let you all know
@Random Person 17 years ago
Nice Work. I Like It. Thanks A Lot.
@Anonymous 17 years ago
the rythm is Am, Bm(?), C, Bm(?)
*I have no idea if this is the actual chord. just move the Am chord up two frets, and I assumed it was a Bm.
@Angel 17 years ago
erm...which notes are right now???
@ZodiaC 17 years ago
can some1 plz put bass tabs for this song
@Anon 17 years ago
Angel, Both versions are correct.
He's just saying it sounds better if you move it up two frets (whole step)
@Rembrant 16 years ago
I'm sorry for not including rhythm.
@phoenix 16 years ago
its good, though I like archard's version better