Nintendo 64
4.524 avg rating 21 ratings
Tabber: archard
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
372331 views 18 years ago
Song of Time The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Composed by Koji Kondo 8/5/06 e---------------------------------------------------- B---------------------------------------------------- G--2----------2-----------2-5-4--0-----0-2----------- D------0---3------0---3-------------3------0----2-0-- A---------------------------------------------3------ E---------------------------------------------------- *Corrected on 3/8/07 by Eric Gustafson
@archard 18 years ago
Why does everyone hate this tab so much? lol
@Guitarist 17 years ago
Replying to:
@archard Why does everyone hate this tab so much? lol
this is npt the song of time this is the lost woods look up lost woods and compare these two just differant frets
@Anonymous 17 years ago
Replying to:
@archard Why does everyone hate this tab so much? lol
Wow, that is completly wrong!
@boogiediamondz 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Guitarist this is npt the song of time this is the lost woods look up lost woods and compare these two just di...
wow you are f***ing retarded, there is no way in hell this is the lost woods
@Zelda-Master 16 years ago
Replying to:
@archard Why does everyone hate this tab so much? lol
I think is great.
@guitardude555 16 years ago
Replying to:
@boogiediamondz wow you are f***ing retarded, there is no way in hell this is the lost woods
this isnt suppose to be the lost woods..learn to read man..
@Doomjaw 15 years ago
Replying to:
@boogiediamondz wow you are f***ing retarded, there is no way in hell this is the lost woods
either you ddidn't even play the song or you have no ear for music. i didn't even play the song and i hummed it, it was right so what are you whineing about?
@thub22 14 years ago
Replying to:
@archard Why does everyone hate this tab so much? lol
look people , thing is about tabs is that they are relative to how you hold your guitar, this one is the correct tabs for the song of time but if you flip your guitar over and play it from higher to lower instead it plays the lost woods song. it works both ways, just depends how you hold your guitar, left handed or right handed. or how you string it. the lower case e symbolizes the higher string and the upper case E symbolizes the deeper string. so stop complaining and just use common sense, saw this once and realized it can be played as the song of time of the lost woods theme simply by turning it upside down
@thub22 14 years ago
Replying to:
@Guitarist this is npt the song of time this is the lost woods look up lost woods and compare these two just di...
ook people , thing is about tabs is that they are relative to how you hold your guitar, this one is the correct tabs for the song of time but if you flip your guitar over and play it from higher to lower instead it plays the lost woods song. it works both ways, just depends how you hold your guitar, left handed or right handed. or how you string it. the lower case e symbolizes the higher string and the upper case E symbolizes the deeper string. so stop complaining and just use common sense, saw this once and realized it can be played as the song of time of the lost woods theme simply by turning it upside down
@wildcries80 14 years ago
Replying to:
@thub22 ook people , thing is about tabs is that they are relative to how you hold your guitar, this one is...
it doesnt matter if your left or right handed, low e will always be on the top high e will always be on the bottom so it has nothing to do with how you hold the guitar.
@Sharingon700 14 years ago
Replying to:
@Guitarist this is npt the song of time this is the lost woods look up lost woods and compare these two just di...
wow what kind of f***ed up world do you live in where this is the lost woods?
@dustsully 13 years ago
Replying to:
@Guitarist this is npt the song of time this is the lost woods look up lost woods and compare these two just di...
I just played this as I played the song of time on Majora's Mask, which is played the same on OoT. Sounds absolutely perfect.
EDIT: Oh okay it was corrected. :P
@Eric Gustafson 18 years ago
cause its wrong
@Deisal 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Eric Gustafson cause its wrong e------------------------------------------------- B--------------------------------...
Its the same thing u stupid fuck.
@Sahaqiel 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Deisal Its the same thing u stupid fuck.
The asterisk says this piece was corrected by the guy you just insulted. Think before you type and pay attention. Good job, though. Sahaqiel
@fartinyoface 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Deisal Its the same thing u stupid fuck.
watch your language ya idiot.
@Eric Gustafson 18 years ago
Hopefully this one appears right
@Eric Gustafson 18 years ago
Screw it I'll email it to you
@archard 18 years ago
Damn you're right, fixing.
@Anonymous 17 years ago
Replying to:
@archard Damn you're right, fixing.
Archard u r good at creating tabs, so i was wondering would u tab Grunty's tower from banjo kazooie?
@Nightmare 17 years ago
Man, you are great! I love those tabs you wrote! Thanks to them i can learn my favorite tunes, from my favorite game :) Cheers mate!
@Oniichan 17 years ago
hmm its good.. but it would be better if it was played in a higer tone
@Gren 17 years ago
Sounds alot better since it's been fixed, heh
@cameron 17 years ago
isnt it easier like this:
@Magic-one-post 16 years ago
Replying to:
@cameron isnt it easier like this: e---------------------------------------------------- B-------------------...
Actually... the notes are suppsed to ring anyway right?
e---------------------------------------------------- B---------------------------0------------------------ G--2----------2-----------2---4--0-----0-2----------- D----------3----------3-------------3------0----2---- A------5----------5---------------------------3---5-- E----------------------------------------------------
Anyone have a reason why that wouldn't sound right?
And... anyone mind clueing me on as to how to make this show up right? :(
@archard 17 years ago
I fixed it for you Cameron. Remember to use code tags around your tabs so they will format correctly. It says so right below this text box.
@gabeff 17 years ago
Can one of you guys email me the right tabs thanks
@archard 17 years ago
And what exactly is wrong with this one?
@Kieys 17 years ago
@Shaun 17 years ago
What about the rest of the song (temple of time bgm)?
@chatcat666 17 years ago
its better to play:
@Man Flan 17 years ago
i think you should put upkieys it sounds sooo much better in a high tone
@joe dirty 17 years ago
B--2--3--4--5-----4--3--3-- gay--3--3--3-3-4-5-7-4-7-5-8
@rastamon 17 years ago
the high pitched note one is the best
@michael 17 years ago
Hey guys, would it not be a tad easier to do it this way? I mean I guess you could play this on higher notes but for some of us it sounds better on a low note.
@sebou 2 17 years ago
pretty nice tab:P good notes sounds well nice job :)
@randomGuy 17 years ago
@maranda 17 years ago
tiss the full song with right temo
@Magic-one-post 16 years ago
Replying to:
@maranda tiss the full song with right temo E|--5-------------1----|--5-------------1----|--5--8--7----3----1...
Same with Maranda's version, shouldn't some notes be played down on separate strings to let notes ring?
I say E5 B6 and G8 should be the first part, Imo. Leave E5, E8, E7 alone... Maybe switch the E3 following to B8 and kind of follow through with that...
@Shinokamen 16 years ago
Replying to:
@maranda tiss the full song with right temo E|--5-------------1----|--5-------------1----|--5--8--7----3----1...
This is the best one in my opinion.
@Brandon 17 years ago
srry MARANDA! but thats...completely wrong....:)
@Anonymous 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Brandon srry MARANDA! but thats...completely wrong....:)
@Anonymous 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Brandon srry MARANDA! but thats...completely wrong....:)
it sounded right to me its the best one to me
@Wayne J 17 years ago
all thouse tabs sound good but the original is the best lol i love that song it sounds good no matter how high or low
@gumballthechewy 17 years ago
could some one do a bass tab? i think it would sound good the tone is low so i just figured.
@Zap 17 years ago
I think Eric's way is the best so far
But when you get to
e------- B------- G-2-5-4- D------- A------- E-------
I feel like theres something still missing Maybe this? e--------- B---0----- G-2---5-4- D--------- A--------- E---------
@Zap 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Zap I think Eric's way is the best so far But when you get to e------- B------- G-2-5-4- D------- A-----...
thats still not right but the idea is is there's something missing here Doesnt it progress up 2 more notes before it gets deap again? e---?-?----- B---?-?----- G-2-?-?-5-4- D---?-?----- A---?-?----- E---?-?-----
@RiverOfBlood 17 years ago
G'day, heard you chaps wanted a bass tab, here you go.
or alternatively.
Ill post a lower one too, using the B string.
@Gwarfan 17 years ago
Replying to:
@RiverOfBlood G'day, heard you chaps wanted a bass tab, here you go. G--2----------2-----------2-5-4--0----0-2----... using the higher up part of riverofblood's bass tab and the endjust doesnt sound right...i havent heard the song for awhile so i might be wrong just maybe im just getting the tempo wrong... just if u could check it and make sure make me happier
@Anonymous 17 years ago
WTF!! the first parts r wrong on all of these. have u guys heard the song b4??? WTF!!!
@Kabukibear 17 years ago
No, Anonymous is mistaken. That tab is correct. Though I would put the tab up an octave. Don't forget that the guitar sounds 1 octave below it's written notes. Even though if you played the tab on the piano both the guitar and the piano would appear to play the same notes, the guitar voices one octave below it. For exmample, play middle C on a piano and then the equivalent C on the guitar. Going by written notes it would be 4th string 3rd fret but in actuality it is 2nd string 1st fret. Just something to be aware of when transcribing for the guitar.
@Alex 17 years ago
i think we should all dig up our old N64's (mine already "dug up")
and listen to the song of time in the extremely lit up church in hyrule then maybe we can settle this in a battle royal :/
no but seriously wy dont we write it down while your listening to it
@Anonymous 17 years ago
some missing notes but overall good high or low
@Shane 17 years ago
@Randomizer 17 years ago
Nice Man in like 10min i got the tabs in my head and after a day of practice i got the whole thing nice ^^
@Sebas 17 years ago
Good tab, sound quite good, i don't really care if it is really the same octave or whatever... the song is similar to what i know, and help me to improve my skill (i'm playing guitar for my 3rd week, don't have a teacher).
@Strife Of The Ages 17 years ago
I don't know what you guys are talking about. there is nothing wrong with this tab. Also, Maranda's is good too. It is the tabs for the full temple of time music. Trust me, my friend and I are LoZ addicts. the tabs are right.
By the way, awesome job once again archard
@ZoraLink (majora's mask) 16 years ago
yep they're all OK also the one from maranda i'm a LoZ addict to mate. i just completed TP for the 3 time. :D
@LoZ MM lover 16 years ago
ALLRIGHT! i made a tab for the inverted song of time of majora's mask:
e:-------------------------------------------- B:-------------------------------------------- G:------2-------2----------------------------- D:-3-0-----3-0-------------------------------- A:----------------7-6-5-4-3-2----------------- E:--------------------------------------------
@LoZ MM lover 16 years ago
sorry it didn't work out i'll remake:
e:----------------------------------- B:----------------------------------- G:-------2-------2------------------- D:-3-0------3-0---------------------- A:--------------------7--6-5-4-3-2--- E:-----------------------------------
@Jake Campbell 16 years ago
Most of you are just placing either exactly the same frets, spaced differently, or the same notes on different frets.
Also, I think it sounds better on a lower fret. As I remember it (haven't touched the game in a while however), it's pretty deep. Not when you're playing it in the ocarina, but when you're hearing it in the temple.
@charles 16 years ago
the real song of time
e---------------------------------- B--------------1-0----------------- G--2----2----2-----0---0-2--------- D---0-3--0-3---------3-----0---2-0- A----------------------------2----- E----------------------------------
@your name here 16 years ago
your all fucking retarded richard has the best tabs because its the lowest
@Lance 16 years ago
its right idiots
@choychoy770256 16 years ago
before it end it goes like thisright e ------------------ B ------------------ ???? G ------0-2--------- D ----------0----2-0 A -------------3---- E ------------------
@Zacke 16 years ago
I think the low pitched version is best :P
@wallawallag 16 years ago
i like michaels version.
@fartinyoface 16 years ago
cool. I posted 1 but it didn't work.
@christopher 9399 16 years ago
it does not sound wrong to me it sounds good
@kokiri-boy 16 years ago
i think every one who thinks this tab is off the mark is off there rocker this tab is great
@Poe_In_a_Jar 15 years ago
e---------------------------------------------------- B---------------------------------------------------- G--2----------2-----------2-5-4--0-----0-2----------- D------0---3------0---3-------------3------0----2-0-- A---------------------------------------------3------ E----------------------------------------------------
i think there sould be another G2 before 2-5-4--0----- this bit so...
e---------------------------------------------------- B---------------------------------------------------- G--2----------2---------2--2-5-4--0-----0-2----------- D------0---3------0---3-------------3------0----2-0-- A---------------------------------------------3------ E----------------------------------------------------
But that's just me.
@omagio 15 years ago
hmmm i dunno but i've been playing this on my bass sound pretty good lol
@Guitaring Jesus 15 years ago
It sounds correct to me I am an avid LOZ:OT player it sounds very good and it is already a fairly easy tab.
@thub22 14 years ago
look people , thing is about tabs is that they are relative to how you hold your guitar, this one is the correct tabs for the song of time but if you flip your guitar over and play it from higher to lower instead it plays the lost woods song. it works both ways, just depends how you hold your guitar, left handed or right handed. or how you string it. the lower case e symbolizes the higher string and the upper case E symbolizes the deeper string. so stop complaining and just use common sense, saw this once and realized it can be played as the song of time of the lost woods theme simply by turning it upside down
@auriplane 14 years ago
Replying to:
@thub22 look people , thing is about tabs is that they are relative to how you hold your guitar, this one is...
... xD
@RexLeRouge 14 years ago
Replying to:
@thub22 look people , thing is about tabs is that they are relative to how you hold your guitar, this one is...
common sense is useless in music but you'll need ears though :|
@SalemJeanette 14 years ago
Replying to:
@thub22 look people , thing is about tabs is that they are relative to how you hold your guitar, this one is...
truth or myth?
@Bueno97 14 years ago
I love this tab fun and easy
@bellasajor 14 years ago
Can I please explain something? This tab is "the song of time" just in a lower version, but it is atually called "The temple of Time" because that song is played in the temple. Therefore I'd suggest you changing the name of the song + adding the ending to please all these trolls commenting irrelevant hate-comment.
@ZechsMarquise 13 years ago
god, that argument was funny to read. But in all honesty, this is the song of time. It's probably the easiest version to play so far. In regular tabs, the High E string is always on top, with low E string on the bottom. Flip it around, the low E is on top. And to the argument earlier, Lost Woods goes like this:
i dunno if you just misread it, or if you can't understand the tabs.
@Andarnio 13 years ago
@Andarnio 13 years ago
@Carlos IC 12 years ago
Replying to:
thad was fantastic...