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Sun's Song

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Nintendo 64

3.500 avg rating 6 ratings

Tabber: archard

Composer: Koji Kondo

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

38677 views 17 years ago

Sun's Song
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Composed by Koji Kondo



@Travis V 17 years ago

Hey! I was the Guest who requested this song on April 10, 2007! haha you were fast putting up a tab for this :)

@archard 17 years ago

Yeah it's very simple so it only took a few minutes to tab it. I don't know why I didn't tab it before.

@TheOnlyOne 17 years ago

Have you got the tabs for the Hrule Field song? If you got them can you please upload them?


Greetings from Bavaria

@Gren 17 years ago

Thanks for putting this up archard

@Zelda Addict 17 years ago

whats 10s20 i dont know that cord

@archard 17 years ago

s means slide

@Zelda Addict 17 years ago

ok thanks silly me

@Zelda Addict 17 years ago

im trying to tab a tune my self have you got any tips?

@cris 17 years ago

instead of sliding the 10 to 20, tremelo pick it all the way. (up and down strokes realy fast while you slide)

@FatSean 17 years ago

This is a great tab, but what if you don't have a twentieth fret?

@sebou 2 17 years ago

emm quite simple but not exact... could be little better

@Markus 17 years ago

Hehe i was just browsing through, took me about 5 seconds to play this song at sight :P

@Anonymous 17 years ago

the tune was good, can someone tab Grunty's castle from banjo kazooie next

@Anonymous 17 years ago

great tab I love this game

@Segun24 16 years ago

Ehh... Nooby question... But what does 10s20 mean? And what does L mean?


@slayer1578 16 years ago

    • wow

@slayer1578 16 years ago

/ = slide up \ = slide down or in this case (S) h = hammer on p = pull off b = bend r = release x = muted string t = tap (with finger or pick) ~ = vibrato

@slayer1578 16 years ago

e----------10-------------10------------ B--10-------------10-------------10s~20-- G------10-------------10---------------- D--------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------- or vibrato wen sliding (bending the string back and forth wen sliding down)

@NintendoInfoF 13 years ago

e----------------------------------- B-------3---------------3------10s20----- G-2---------------2------------------- D----3---------------3-------------------- A--------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------