Nintendo 64
4.852 avg rating 27 ratings
Tabber: natenmn
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription, Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics
Instrument: Guitar
72174 views 15 years ago
Windmill Hut - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Koji Kondo (Arranged by vicio89) Tab: Nathan Nordstrom 8/10/2009 Classical Guitar 1 (Capo 3) 3/4 100bpm E E E S S E E E E E S S E E E E E S S E E E||---------------------|---------------------|---------------------| B||-----0--0------2-----|-----3--3------2-----|-----0--0------2-----| G||-----0--0------2-----|-----2--2------2-----|-----0--0------2-----| D||-------------0----0--|-------------0----0--|-------------0----0--| A||---------------------|---------------------|---------------------| E||--0--------2---------|--3--------2---------|--0--------2---------| E E E S S E E S S E E S S E E E S S S S S S E S S ---------------------|------0---------0-----|--2----3-2-3-2----------| -----3--3------2-----|----------------------|---------------3-0------| -----2--2------2-----|----0---------0-------|----------------------0-| -------------0----0--|--2---------2---------|-----0--------------0---| ---------------------|----------------------|------------------------| --3--------2---------|--0------0--2------0--|--3----3----------------| E E S S E S S E E E S S E E E S S E E S S E E ----------------------|---------------------|------0---------0-----| --0---------0------0--|--0------------------|----------------------| --------0-2-----------|--------0-2----------|----0---------0-------| -----2---------0-0----|-----2------4-----4--|--2---------2---------| --3-------------------|--3---------2--2-----|----------------------| ------------3---------|---------------------|--0------0--2------0--| E S S S S S S E S S E E S S E E E E E E S S E E --2----3-2-3-2----------|---------------------|---------------------| ---------------3-0------|--0---------0-----0--|-----0--0------2-----| ----------------------0-|--------0-2----------|-----0--0------2-----| -----0--------------0---|-----2------------1--|--2----------0----0--| ------------------------|--3---------2--2--2--|--2------------------| --3----3----------------|---------------------|--0--------2---------| E E E S S E E E E E S S E E E E E S S E E ---------------------|---------------------|---------------------| -----3--3------2-----|-----0--0------2-----|-----3--3------2-----| -----2--2------2-----|-----0--0------2-----|-----2--2------2-----| -------------0----0--|-------------0----0--|-------------0----0--| ---------------------|---------------------|---------------------| --3--------2---------|--0--------2---------|--3--------2---------| S S E E S S E E E S S S S S S E S S E E S S E S S E ------0---------0-----|--2----3-2-3-2----------|----------------------| ----------------------|---------------3-0------|--0---------0---------| ----0---------0-------|----------------------0-|--------0-2--------0--| --2---------2---------|-----0--------------0---|-----2-----------0----| ----------------------|------------------------|--3------------2------| --0------0--2------0--|--3----3----------------|------------3---------| E S S S S E E E S S E E S S E E E S S S S S S E S S ----------------------|------0---------0-----|--2----3-2-3-2----------| --0-------------------|----------------------|---------------3-0------| ---------0-2----------|----0---------0-------|----------------------0-| -----2-------4-----4--|--2---------2---------|-----0--------------0---| --3----3-----2--2-----|----------------------|------------------------| ----------------------|--0------0--2------0--|--3----3----------------| Slow Tempo----------------------------------- |--3--| |--3--| |---3--| E E S S E E E E E E E E E E E E H. ---------------------|-----------------0--2--3s--7--|--7------------| --0---------0-----0--|--------------0---------------|---------------| --------0-2----------|-----------0------------------|---------------| -----2------------1--|--------2---------------------|---------------| --3---------2--2--2--|-----2------------------------|---------------| ---------------------|--0---------------------------|---------------| ^ H. --<>12------------|| --<>12------------|| --<>12------------|| ------------------|| ------------------|| ------------------|| Duration Legend --------------- W - whole H - half Q - quarter E - 8th S - 16th T - 32nd X - 64th . - note dotted |-n-| - n-tuplets Tablature Legend ---------------- L - tied note x - dead note g - grace note (n) - ghost note > - accentuded note NH - natural harmonic AH - artificial harmonic TH - tapped harmonic SH - semi harmonic PH - pitch harmonic h - hammer on p - pull off b - bend br - bendRelease pb - preBend pbr - preBendRelease brb - bendReleaseBend \n/ - tremolo bar dip \n - tremolo bar dive -/n - tremolo bar Release up /n\ - tremolo bar inverted dip /n - tremolo bar return -\n - tremolo bar Release down S - shift slide s - legato slide / - slide into from below or out of upwards \ - slide into from above or out of downwards ~ - vibrato W - wide vibrato tr - trill TP - tremolo picking T - tapping S - slap P - pop < - fade in ^ - brush up v - brush down
@conqueran 15 years ago
I love this guy's tabs. Thanks for doing this.
@hilo890 15 years ago
This is wonderful. I love it.
@diralark 15 years ago
great music ! i love it, good job !
@Ranulf 14 years ago
Yes, man, yes...
@karathrow 13 years ago
Great tab should change the "click here for video example" to maikois video since the original link no longer works.
@natenmn 13 years ago
Replying to:
@karathrow Great tab should change the "click here for video example" to maikois video since the original link...
I'm going to preface my reply by saying that I love Maikoi's video and that she is a very skilled guitarist. Anyone that has not seen her video should take a look:
However, unless vicio himself states otherwise, I personally feel that adding a different video as the video example would be insulting to him as I would be representing his arrangement with something other than his own video. I think this would be akin to making Salem's recording of Birth of A God the video example for Kabuki's arrangement without asking Kabuki what he thinks. You or I may think that Salem's recording is good, but that doesn't mean that it is Kabuki's arrangement reincarnated.
Anyways, I'll take down the dead link for the video example. If anyone finds vicio's video floating around the interwebz somewhere, p[lease let me know and I'll add it back in.
@the alaskan 13 years ago
First off excellent tab, butut could anyone help by giving me a recommended fingering for tbis tab? The way I'm playing it looks much different form the way Maikoi playes it. I REALLY want to learn this song well, and so far am having a hard time playing any help would be greatly appreciated
Thanks, max
@natenmn 13 years ago
Replying to:
@the alaskan First off excellent tab, butut could anyone help by giving me a recommended fingering for tbis tab?...
I've quickly made a gp5 and pdf that include the way that I have played this since I first transcribed Vicio's (the original arranger) video. Here is the zip containing both files:
Windmill Hut Fingerings
Note that multiple measures that are the same only have the fingerings displayed for the first one.
@the alaskan 13 years ago
Wow that was fast! Thanks
@Andarnio 13 years ago
E||---------------------| B||-----3--3------2-----| G||-----4--4------2-----| D||-------------0----0--| A||---------------------| E||--3--------2---------| this sounds better and this --2----3-2-3-2----------| ---------------3-0------| ------------------------| -----0------------------| ------------------------| --3----------2----------|
@natenmn 13 years ago
Replying to:
@Andarnio E||---------------------| B||-----3--3------2-----| G||-----4--4------2-----| D||-------------0----0...
This tab is a transcription of Vicio89's Windmill Hut arrangement. The way it is in the tab is the way that he played it.
Also, after trying them out, I disagree with either of your alternatives sounding better.
@Andarnio 13 years ago
Replying to:
@natenmn This tab is a transcription of Vicio89's Windmill Hut arrangement. The way it is in the tab is the...
IMO = in my opinion if you disagree, that's your problem
@natenmn 13 years ago
Replying to:
@Andarnio IMO = in my opinion if you disagree, that's your problem
I wasn't berating your opinion, if you mistook what I said. I was simply stating the reason why the tab is the way it is and was giving my own opinion of the subject.
I am open to implementing corrections and suggestions if I feel that they improve the tab, and have done this in the past. Conversely, if I disagree with something, I won't change the tab. I also feel it is better to acknowledge whether or not I will change a tab based on a suggestion, and that is what I effectively did with you.
@Andarnio 13 years ago
Replying to:
@natenmn I wasn't berating your opinion, if you mistook what I said. I was simply stating the reason why the...
I never asked anyone to change anything, i just posted what I play, the first one because it is easier to play and IMO sounds better, and the second one, I just changed the position of one bass note because it sounds more natural, and otherwise sounds bass-empty
@Andarnio 13 years ago
Replying to:
@natenmn I wasn't berating your opinion, if you mistook what I said. I was simply stating the reason why the... since you're awesome anyways
@Lemoncobbler 13 years ago
Replying to:
@Andarnio since you're awesome anyways
@Andarnio 12 years ago
Replying to:
@Lemoncobbler OH GOD i'm delighted by this link
glad you liked it :D i made it myself btw
@Locke 10 years ago
Such a cool tab, very hypnotic... I've had a lot of fun this morning playing it over and over as a continuous loop, trying different improvisations each time. =) My favorite tab for doing that since the Blue Fields tabs. Coool.
@xxtazy 10 years ago
Great tabs and really fun to play! Love it!
@GabrielBocanegra 3 years ago
FN GNARLY BRAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!