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Windmill Hut

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Nintendo 64

4.200 avg rating 15 ratings

Tabber: Calebelijah

Composer: Koji Kondo

Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments

Instrument: Guitar

63111 views 17 years ago

Lead Guitar







Rhythm Guitar







@BirdmanTM 17 years ago

hot damn this is one of the best tabs ive found so far, and it has the bass tab!

@nozzie 17 years ago

caleb u are a god

@LePunk 17 years ago

x_X Hell yeah, Caleb's a god. I'm your disciple!

@link 17 years ago

caleb the god of rock u have made a slight mistake at guitar 1 at the end of the song u forgot 12 on the D string by the way ur videos of playin guitar on youtube are awsome i saw every single one dude, u rock!!

@Zelda Addict 17 years ago

al my High e string snapped walse playing this its just great isnt it

@bob 17 years ago

dude i learn this easy thanks caleb

@Tim 17 years ago

at the en d of lead, after the last 14...go to the 12th fret of the D string

@CJ 17 years ago

dude these tabs r awsome!

@Ethan Prudhomme 17 years ago

These are probably good tabs but i wanna see sarias song,zeldas lullaby,eponas song or somethin.This is the only Zelda songi can find for bass.Thats what I wanna see.

@Thor 17 years ago

where are the length of the notes?

@In love with Link! 17 years ago

I love this song!!!

@Josh 17 years ago

GREAT Tabs. I am a beginner electric guitar player and this taught my very quickly. Thank you

@Anonymous 17 years ago

Thor, I suppose you should listen to the song, lengths of notes are rare among tabs.

@Anonymous 17 years ago

Hey, thanks man that was awesome and my favorite song from O.O.T by far, and you tabbed it so perfectly, so thank you.

@cakchaos 17 years ago

wow man you hit this one good. I can't wait to learn this one by heart. Thank!

@Anonymous 17 years ago

Ironically, Caleb sorta looks like the dude from the windmill.

Thanks for the tab ^__^

@Legend Of Zelda Fan 17 years ago

WOOT! I'm learning guitar, and this is definatly on my list of songs to play.

@Darkknight610 16 years ago

Man, this tab sounds perfect. Really easy to play also. Great job. Thanks.

@shadowmaker 16 years ago


@invader002 16 years ago

I have a correction to the backround melody:

E||------5----5----|------7--------|------8----8----|------7--------| B||------3----3----|------5--------|------6----6----|------5--------| G||-2--------------|-4-------------|-5--------------|-4-------------| D||----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------| A||----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------| E||----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------|

------5----5----|------7--------|------8----8----|------7--------| ------3----3----|------5--------|------6----6----|------5--------| -2--------------|-4-------------|-5--------------|-4-------------| ----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------| ----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------| ----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------|

melody begins

------5----5----|------7--------|------8----8----|------7--------| ------3----3----|------5--------|------6----6----|------5--------| -2--------------|-4-------------|-5--------------|-4-------------| ----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------| ----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------| ----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------|

------1----1----|------1--------|------1----1----|------0--------| ------3----3----|------1--------|------3----3----|------2--------| -3--------------|---------------|-3--------------|-2-------------| ----------------|-3-------------|----------------|---------------| ----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------| ----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------|

Melody starts over

|------5----5----|------7--------|------8----8----|------7--------| |------3----3----|------5--------|------6----6----|------5--------| |-2--------------|-4-------------|-5--------------|-4-------------| |----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------| |----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------| |----------------|---------------|----------------|---------------|

------1----1----|------0----0---| ------3----3----|------2----2---| -3--------------|-2-------------| ----------------|---------------| ----------------|---------------|


@slayer1578 16 years ago


@deathwind 16 years ago

My problem with this lead guitar lick which is played many times throughout the song is that it just doesn't sound right.

What sounds right to me is

@swansonadventure 16 years ago

this is the best non-archard tab I've found on this site so far. good work.

@guitar maniac 15 years ago

great tabs man, sounds perfect

@soigroeg 15 years ago

Why are the tabs played in such a high fret?

Is there a reason for? I dont play as long guitar, but i know that there is the possibility to play the same note by using a fewer frets and going a string down.

I guess those tabs must be for e-guitar, cause acoustic does not sound that well if you play around those high frets!

@RunBMC 13 years ago

Can anyone please tell me the note durations for these.

@Oliver 5 years ago

I’m in awe. Very great tab. Good job.