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Temple of Droplets

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Game Boy Advance

5.000 avg rating 2 ratings

Tabber: GameMozart

Composer: Mitsuhiko Takano

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Artificial harmonics

Instrument: Guitar

6537 views 13 years ago

~ Temple of Droplets
from The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
- Composed by Mitsuhiko Takano
- Arranged by GameMozart
May 25th, 2011

Drop-C tuning (Just to maintain the original key. You can play it in Drop-D if you want)

 Q = 80
                   A.H._____________________           Da Coda

   Q  Q  Q  Q    E   E   E   E E   E   E   E                    E E E E H      E E E E E Q.
   W             w                                              W              W              


  E E H.        E   E   E   E E   E   E   E   E E E E H      E E E E E Q.    E E H.
  W             W                             W              W               W

    A.H._____________________                                               D.C. al Coda

  E   E   E   E E   E   E   E    E  E  q   Q   E  E    q   Q  H       W

 @                                       A.H._____________________

  W           H    H       W           E   E   E   E E   E   E   E   W
  W           W            W           W                             W

                                                        rall. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -                              

  H    H      W           E   E   E   E E   E   E   E   E E E E E E E E   E E E E E E E E
  W           W           W                             W                 W

                                repeat at will
  E E E E E E E E   W


Duration Legend:

 W = Semibreve (Whole)
 H = Minim (Half)
 Q = Crotchet (Quarter)
 E = Quaver (Eigth)
 . = Augmentation dot (raises duration of the note by half its value)

* Note durations above staff indicate first voice (high) while those below staff indicate second voice (low)


Tablature Legend:

 <>n - Harmonics (normally with a line above tab to indicate how it should be played)
  * A.H. means Artificial Harmonic.
 /n - Slide in from "nowhere"


Other LegendS:

 @ - Coda (still looking for a better symbol to represent it...)
  * Da Coda means "from Coda", so play from Coda onwards;
  * D.C. al Coda means "from head (beginning) to Coda", no need to explain that... 
 rall. - Rallentando (gradually slowing down)
 % - Simile mark 
  * If it's in the middle of the measure, repeat previous measure; 
  * If between two measures, repeat previous two measures.
