5.000 avg rating 2 ratings
Tabber: airules
Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Hajime Wakai, Kenta Nagata
Style: Arrangement
Instrument: Guitar
19257 views 13 years ago
Earth God's Lyric Composed by Koji Kendo The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Tabbed by Ashley Illman 22/06/2011 This is the full version as played by Medli when she learns the song. The chords given above are a rough guide for fingering but also could be used if you wanted to play on two guitars, one doing chords and the other playing the melody. The melody note of each chord is always the highest string so remove the others to simplify it. D G A D e----------2--0----------------------------------------0-2---0-- B--------3------3--2-3--0----2---3-0-2-------3-0--2-3------3---- G-2---2--------------0----0----2-----2--2-0----2----2----------2 D-----0--------------0---------------2---------2----0----------- A-----0--------------2---------------0--------------0----------- E--------------------3------------------------------------------ D G A D e-------2--0---------------------------0--2-3-0-------- B-----3------3--2-3--0----2---3-0-2--3------2---2-3---3 G--2--------------0----0----2-----2---------2---------2 D--0--------------0---------------2-------------------0 A--0--------------2---------------0-------------------- E-----------------3------------------------------------ Enjoy!
@60NCA10 13 years ago
@Colin_spade 13 years ago
wait. that link leads to the exact same tab O______0 wtf
@hslesperance 13 years ago
They are similar since both stick close to the original song, but there are a couple differences
@airules 13 years ago
Huh. I wrote the tab after not being satisfied with the version thats currently in the top 100 and deciding to make a fuller version sticking to the original song. I guess someone else had the same idea a while ago... Well I suppose more choice is never a bad thing
@TetraCutie 12 years ago
Your lying about this being the full version. This may be the full version in the GAME, but I know this song is longer