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Earth God's Lyric

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker


4.478 avg rating 23 ratings

Tabber: archard

Composer: Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Hajime Wakai, Kenta Nagata

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

67887 views 17 years ago

Earth God's Lyric
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Composed by Koji Kondo




@Fenderguitars94 17 years ago

good tab, thanks

@Stuff 17 years ago

How Do you find out how to play The Earth God's Lyric?

@Stuff 17 years ago


@Martine Paardekooper 17 years ago

O_O soooo coooooool!

@Gunter 17 years ago

i dont sound right dinky

@TheOnlyOne 17 years ago

@ Stuff: You can't think archard's gonna answer you in 4 minutes! ^^

Nice tap by the way^^

@Jenuma 17 years ago

This is... horrible. How disappointing, after searching so hard for it.

@Zaster 17 years ago

Very good tab. Keep up the good work.

@Jason 17 years ago

u guys are idiots this tab sounds perfect

@Anonymous 17 years ago

Most excellent!

@Anonymous 17 years ago

Your missing a couple notes

@yoshistrings 17 years ago

its really easy 4 me to play. thanks for the tab!

@The Congressman 17 years ago

This is Great! I love this tune :)


@MRT 17 years ago

i love nearly all tabs on this entire website, this one is cool. but... i have a question... who the fuck gets all these tabs?? (2+11...mmm i wonder...)

@Turtle 16 years ago

So much fun to play! I keep trying to to it faster and faster. I kind of wish the next part was tabbed, but half the fun is figuring it out on your own, right?

Also, feels strangely right for St. Patty's day...

@pancaxe 16 years ago

Its ok but you need to do a lil more work on it. try to fix what you have and then see if you can get the entire thing in there. by the entire thing i mean the full thing that medli plays when she first learns it and at the title menu and the credits.

@rancidfetus 16 years ago

Pancaxe, first, props on the name. Second, the tab you're looking for is here: http://www.gametabs.net/gamecube/zelda-the-wind-waker/title-theme

@Mad at Jenuma 16 years ago

Whats your prob Jenuma..How is it no help...WoW its Freakin Perfect

@Majora 16 years ago

Makes me feel like im an Earth Sage

@Majora 16 years ago

I NEED WINDFALL ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

@gamingnguitar 16 years ago

ahhh, just the way i like it, perfect

@McAngusYoung 16 years ago

How is this tab horrible? This tab is dead on with the song. All you have to do is get the speed and rhythm down right which is very easy to do.

@Adam the sage 16 years ago

i know the problem with this tab people are haveing,maby your guitar isent tuned right,cus this tab sounds perfect...and all my friend are jelose i can play this lol

@darkarmy123 16 years ago

This was the first tab I saw on this site. Makes me happy

@silverrida 16 years ago

I think this tab sounds great, but I think that the first note of the song in the tab belongs on the end. I only found this because I clicked on the recent posts section but it's a song I wanted to learn at some point.

@MusicD08 16 years ago

Awesome tab. I always wondered how do play that.

@Jala 15 years ago

If anyone is having trouble then their rhythm is off.

@blablabla 15 years ago

Fantastic! Great job, one of the best songs in Wind waker!

@suciune 15 years ago

if you put the wind gods aria and earth gods lryics together you get the main and ending theme

@Cruzan 14 years ago

Exellent, I think there's a couple of notes missing, but I might just be remembering the song differently.

@confused 13 years ago

Nice tab, but your missing the same exact note after the 2nd one... I think

@mz44_d 12 years ago

Nice and simple, sounds just like the game to my ears. Sounds great on my B&D tenor banjo!

@LordDude 12 years ago

I think I figured out the problem with this tab. It's pretty important. The guy forgot to put "repeat forever" at the end of it... Silly guy forgetting such an important note.

@MasterLink123 10 years ago

Sounds great , and don't listen to those who are dissing you, as haters gonna hate! Haha

@EthanBeast 4 years ago

I think you did a great job on this song, even though I can't play it very good, keep up the good work. (Its always nice to hear another Wind Waker song.)