4.478 avg rating 23 ratings
Tabber: archard
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
286745 views 18 years ago
The Legend of Zelda OverWorld Theme Composed by Koji Kondo 7/13/06 e------------------------------------------- G------------------------------------------- B--3-----3-3-3-3-3---1-3-----3-3-3-3-3---1-3 D------------------------------------------- A------------------------------------------- E------------------------------------------- e--------------------------------------------------- G--------------------------------------------------- B--3-3-3-3-3-----------------------------------3---- D------------3-3-3---3-3-3---3-3-3---3-3-3-3-------3 A--------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------- e------------1-----1-1-2-4-6-----6-6-4-2-4-2-1 G------1-3-4---------------------------------- B--3-3---------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------- e--1---------------------------------------------3---1 G----4-4h6h7-----6-4-2-2h4h6-----4-2-1-1h3h5---------- B----------------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------------- e--------------------------------- G--------------------------------- B----------------------------3---- D--3-3-3---3-3-3---3-3-3-3-------3 A--------------------------------- E--------------------------------- e------------1-----1-1-2-4-6---9-8-5-----------6-5-- G------1-3-4-----------------------------6-7-------6 B--3-3---------------------------------------------- D--------------------------------------------------- A--------------------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------------------- e----------3-2---------------0-----3-1---------------------------- G--3-4---------3-------1-1-3-------------------------------------- B--------------------3-----------------------------------------3-- D--------------------------------------3-3-3---3-3-3---3-3-3-3---3 A----------------------------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------------------------- And repeat
@Samurayy 18 years ago
you have incorrect guitar "names"
E should I play a G or B a B? :) B G D A E
@Samurayy 18 years ago
never mind that if I should play a G or B ;D
@archard 18 years ago
Yeah sorry I accidentally switched the G and B strings.
@Anthony 18 years ago
thanks for tabbing this the hammer part ha me confused but then i got it
@Markus 18 years ago
hey i like that i checked out the midi so ima learn how to play it. ill get back to you if i ever get it down
@Travis 18 years ago
i think the MIDI and the tab don't match up toward the end
@lizardmanbebo 17 years ago
a good tab but i seen two places you didn't do right
that should be played twice
and this
should be this
@they7692 17 years ago
SWEEET!!! finaly i find them online. THANK YOU!!
@Gren 17 years ago
Hey archard, you owe me a shirt!
@paxon 17 years ago
THANKS MAN!!! I got into guitar for two reasons: 1) to play Dethklok, 2) to play Zelda. Thanks for getting me halfway there. hehe
@erik 17 years ago
most of the time ur going up and down the neck when its not really nessesary, just play those stretched out parts on other strings
@Dallas 17 years ago
ok im new to guitar and i dont really understand the whole 2h4h6 thing i try to play it but it confuses me other than that great song!!!
@paxon 17 years ago
h means hammer on/off. the way it was explained to me is you hit the string once on the 2, and quickly press the 4 then 6.
@sk8in leo 17 years ago
man this song is so rad, thank you so much for tabbin it. I love the fact that you can download the midi it makes it so much easer to learn
@xxanonimalxx 17 years ago
finally I have waited sooo long for this. Once I found this site I searched for Zelda theme so now i can play thnk you so much
@Vaporfarts 17 years ago
WHY IS THERE SO MANY NOOBS dont play guitar because you like one song play it because you like music or go away and yes change that part at the end, the noobs will not notice
@Anonymous 17 years ago
Replying to:
@Vaporfarts WHY IS THERE SO MANY NOOBS dont play guitar because you like one song play it because you like music...
Way to be a arrogant cockbag, vaporfarts.
@seanzi1 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Vaporfarts WHY IS THERE SO MANY NOOBS dont play guitar because you like one song play it because you like music...
nice grammar noob to english?
@isafos 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Vaporfarts WHY IS THERE SO MANY NOOBS dont play guitar because you like one song play it because you like music...
Sami bagi manan cur si sami faci laba la cacat!
Go right to hell. Don't come back, you little jerk-off. Your existence is absolutely, utterly futile if you exist solely to give grief to new people.
Your own English is utterly pathetic; have you discovered irony, yet? You disgusting little hypocrite. Play some guitar and prove that you can play it any better, you disgusting, worthless little pedant.
People like you need to stop mating, so your worthless, dirty genes leave a system that could do without you.
@Kabukibear 16 years ago
Replying to:
@isafos Sami bagi manan cur si sami faci laba la cacat! Go right to hell. Don't come back, you little jerk-o...
I hope you're Romanian to use an insult like that. Otherwise you've been spending too much time on :P
@RAT 17 years ago
ok,first theres no such thing as a hammer off,its called a PULL off,2nd this tab is 99% perfect thnx!
@hellinitsownway 17 years ago
this is pretty good first time its right out of like the 14 websites i been to, god. rock on,
@Anonymous2 17 years ago
thanks a lot man. i love how the notes arent like way up on like the 15th fret on the guitar like most other tabs
@Laura England 17 years ago
I'm your #1 fan! You're wonderful tabbing never ends. Great job!!!
@youngrocker 17 years ago
Dude that was freakin awsome!!! I've been looking for this tab for a couple of months. Keep it up dude!
@Drazon 17 years ago
wow! u're crazy man..
@E.T 16 years ago
@Kovatch 16 years ago
@Poke-Dude 16 years ago
Brilliant. Very easy to learn (I'm a newbie), and has got most of the notes right. some people say some of 'em are wrong but I don't mind, becaus it sounds relatively awesome when I play it (Again, I'm a n00b).
@Raintracer 16 years ago
I used to play Zelda all the time so I knew the rhythm and everything! Sounds right to me, except for a couple of things. Heed Lizardmanbebo's corrections.
@HalfBreed 16 years ago
Great tab. Hard to play up to speed though.
@LoZ_ROXORS 16 years ago
I was wondering cuz the strings are labeled eGBDAE
@auriplane 16 years ago
Replying to:
@LoZ_ROXORS I was wondering cuz the strings are labeled eGBDAE
The label is wrong, it's in normal tuning, just pretend it's labeled right :-)
@quinnpm 16 years ago
all of you who comment just to TRY and make people feel lesser than u, that means u vaporfarts and isafos, dont it shows that you have no respect and i encourage you to stop before you end up living in a box life is not meant for those who spend it tormenting others.these comments are about COMMENTING on the tabs, love the tab LOZ rocks!
@superheshe 15 years ago
This is awesomely tabbed but i dont know if it just me but it seems to sound better an octave lower
@sesshomaru 15 years ago
i like to take a system of a down,(band that played this song with a few differences)approach and play the 4h6h7 followed by a 4h6h7 on the next higher string and then on the 2h4h6 follow it with a 2h4h6 on the higher string and etc.
e--1---------------------------------------------3---1 G----4-4h6h7-----6-4-2-2h4h6-----4-2-1-1h3h5---------- B----------------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------------------- E-----------------------------------------------------
@auriplane 15 years ago
Replying to:
@sesshomaru i like to take a system of a down,(band that played this song with a few differences)approach and pl...
SOAD never played this song. That was just some moron who renamed the MP3 so it looked like it was by SOAD. It's actually by The Rabbit Joint:
@misingnoglic 15 years ago
nice and easy, good for electric guitar without too many frets down
@Link Strife07 14 years ago
I thinl it sounds awesome! Gonna work on this one and master it!
@Crackerjake 13 years ago
I enjoy playing this, although I'm having trouble with the hammer-ons, I always kill the sound when I try to change frets :| Hopefully with enough practice, I'll figure out how to do them, lol
@GamerTheC 6 years ago
What about the ending to the song, there was one in the game Wii Music.