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Save-Continue-Retry Screen

The Legend of Zelda


4.750 avg rating 4 ratings

Tabber: Scruffy

Composer: Koji Kondo

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

25517 views 16 years ago

Game: Legend of Zelda
Song: Save-Continue-Retry Screen
Tabbed: September 14th 2008
Tabber: Scruffy

This is tabbed in a lower tone, not as high as the original song.

e---3--------0--------7-----5-----0--5--3--------0--5- |
B------1--3-----4--0-----0-----5--------------3------- |
G------------------------------------------5---------- |
D----------------------------------------------------- |
A----------------------------------------------------- |
E----------------------------------------------------- x3
e--------5--4--------1--0--------0--------------       |
B-----6-----------3-----------1-----3-----0--3--       |
G--5-----------5-----------0-----------2--------       |
D-----------------------------------------------       |
A-----------------------------------------------       |
E-----------------------------------------------      _|

@auriplane 16 years ago

Cool, but the tenth note should be a C, not an E. I figure you knew that but put the 5 on the B string instead of the G string by accident when you were writing it down? Hehe.

@Dicennian 13 years ago

Love it.

@Dogenzaka 13 years ago

Pretty cool

@Youtuber X 3 years ago

awesome man, just awesome