4.667 avg rating 30 ratings
Tabber: tc
Composer: Kazumi Totaka, Shinobu Tanaka
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
218368 views 16 years ago
Hey this is the song they play in the mansion for the gamecube game luigis mansion. Tabber: TC Date Tabbed: Aug 3, 2008 Original Composer: Kazumi Totaka, Shinobu Tanaka Release date: Nov. 18, 2001 e ------------------- b ------------------- g ------------------- d ----------2-1--2--- a --0----0----------- e ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | --2-2-2-2---2-1-----------0-0-0-0---0------------ | ----------3-----2-----------------2---3--1-2----- | ---------------------------------------------0--- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | --2-2-2-2---2-1----------0-0-0-0---0-2-0--------- | ----------3-----2----------------3-------3-2-0--- | ------------------------------------------------4 | ----------------------0-------------------------- | ---------------1--0-4---4-3--2-3-2-1--0-1-0-----4 | ------------2--------------------------------3--- | -------0-2--------------------------------------- | -0-2-3------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | -0---------------- | ---0---0---------- | -----3------------ | ---------2---2---2 | ------------------ | ------------------
@Bambi 16 years ago
Sounds great.
@darkarmy123 16 years ago
Nice job.
@silverrida 16 years ago
Good transcription. This song gets stuck in my head soo easily
@Gamekiller157 16 years ago
@DarkHedge 16 years ago
Luigi rules! "D So does the tab
@hellucard 16 years ago
Good Job!! it is sure perfect!
@superheshe 15 years ago
This is super cool and stuck in my head lol ive been looking at your tabs for months and only just made an account xD
@LionHeartGael 15 years ago
@TOMMYGUN1352 15 years ago
good except in line 4 the open on the e string should be a 4 and in line 5, the 3rd 4 on the b string should be a 3
@suciune 15 years ago
on the bridge is 3 not 4 the secoond 4 sould be a 3
| ---------------1--0-4---4-3--2-4-2-1--0-1-0---4- this part it should go ------------1--0---4---4-2-3-2-1--0-1-0---4
@man95 15 years ago
@Skye Stormwind 14 years ago
I might be wrong but shouldn't there be 5 consecutive 2's and 0's on the chorus like this: --2-2-2-2-2---2-1---------0-0-0-0-0---0-2-0--------- | | ------------------3-----2-----------------2---------3-2-0---
other than that great job!
@Skye Stormwind 14 years ago
Replying to:
@Skye Stormwind I might be wrong but shouldn't there be 5 consecutive 2's and 0's on the chorus like this: --2-2-2-2...
sorry nvm i wasn't listening right =P
@jader7777 14 years ago
Love the tune. But this format is lame and takes up a lot of space. Thanks for the tab though.
@LuigiLRBA 14 years ago
VERY AWESOME i played it and its SO AWESOME 10000000000000 stars
@KC-LF 13 years ago
mst accurate tab ive seen yet, but im probably playing it wrong cause it sounds like a parts missing, but its probably just me
@KC-LF 13 years ago
Replying to:
@KC-LF mst accurate tab ive seen yet, but im probably playing it wrong cause it sounds like a parts missing...
nvm i got it
@BenjaminR645 13 years ago
it's great! thanks a lot
@MrDrProfessorPurple 13 years ago
Best game ever. Very good tab. thank you
@linkmaster99 12 years ago
best song ever i love luigies mansion.
@linkmaster99 12 years ago
i think it should be 3 2s instead of 4 sounds better to me.
@punkyman54 10 years ago
Replying to:
@linkmaster99 i think it should be 3 2s instead of 4 sounds better to me.
It's four beats, listen to track it's definitely 4
@punkyman54 10 years ago
Been wanting to learn this for awhile and finally found a great tabe for it! The ending (high parts) ending seems a little off but perfect otherwise. Great job!
@Shurtugal_Ender 8 years ago
I've been playing it for a while and it is awesome to listen to!
@Shurtugal_Ender 8 years ago
I've been playing it for a while and it is awesome to listen to!
@Shurtugal_Ender 8 years ago
I've been playing it for a while and it is awesome to listen to!
@LordVGM 7 years ago
Great job with the tab!:)