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Tabber: Krimson
Composer: Unknown
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
35524 views 15 years ago
Song: Ellinia Game: Maple Story Tabber: Krimson Composer: Whoever the composer was for Maple Story. I haven't had any luck in finding any reference to the composer... as tends to happen quite often with MMORPGs. This is the basic melody that plays in Ellinia. There are parts where the tune gets more intricate and a few extra notes are thrown in. e||-1------------------------------1---------------------------------- B||---1-3-------------1-3-4-1-3-4-----3-4---1---------1-3---1-4-3----- G||-------3-2-3-0-2-3-------------2-------3---3-3-2-3-----3-------2--- D||------------------------------------------------------------------- A||------------------------------------------------------------------- E||------------------------------------------------------------------- e||------------------------------------------------------------------- B||----------------------1-3-4-1----------------3--------------------- G||-0-2-3---0-2-3--0-2-3----------0-2-3---0-2-3----------------------- D||-------3-----------------------------3----------------------------- A||------------------------------------------------------------------- E||------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you really want to play it right, play each note twice with a small delay between them. This is just the basic melody
@Ticonderoga 15 years ago
I actually really enjoy this tab, its a nice little tune =)
@novotski 15 years ago
Very nice tab, remember playing this a very long time ago... though i would say by the end, instead of
e||----------------------- B||---------------------- G||-0-2-3---0-2-3-0-2-3- D||-------3--------------- A||----------------------- E||-----------------------
e||----------------------- B||---------------------- G||-0-2-3---0-2-3-3-0-2-3- D||-------3--------------- A||----------------------- E||-----------------------
don't you think?, it repeats in the original was well. Other than that great tab :D
@SpliteFirez 14 years ago
i think at the end u should hit the G string at the 3th fride one last time, and then it will sounds exellent :D Gj.
@narujoe 12 years ago
i feel like i was still playing ms