Nintendo 64
Tabber: auriplane
Composer: Kenta Nagata
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Bass
5564 views 13 years ago
Media link: YouTube
Mario Kart 64 - Toad's Turnpike BASS TAB Composed by Kenta Nagata Tabbed by auriplane ([email protected]) Five-string bass, standard tuning. G |----------------| D |----------------| A |------6-------4-| x24 E |---6--------4---| B |4---------2-----| G |----------------| D |----------------| A |------7-------5-| x16 E |---7--------5---| B |5---------3-----| G |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| D |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| A |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| E |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------| B |0---------------|L---------------|12-slide--------|L---------------| In the original song, that slide down starts from what would be the open B string. It's a sub-bass slide, which is a little ridiculous, but it does sound cool. I had to double the frequency the song was played back at to transcribe those last four measures with any accuracy whatsoever. It sounds kind of like this song (and some others in MK64) have two bass parts, a loud "picked bass" sound with lots of low end, and a "slap bass" sound that's mixed in quieter. I could be wrong (I don't know how to rip N64 music to verify it), but for this tab, I stuck to the former and left out the latter. At any rate, I think it sounds fine when you play it :-)