3.667 avg rating 3 ratings
Tabber: Katotetu
Composer: Jack Wall, Sam Hulick
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
32631 views 16 years ago
Mass Effect - Theme Song Composed by Sam Hulick and Jack Wall - 2007 Transcribed to Guitar by Katotetu (3/3 Time for those keeping track) In any measure, the beats are as follows |1-2-3| e|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| B|-----|-----|1----|3---1|3----|-----|-----|-----| G|2----|----4|-----|-----|--0--|-----|-----|-----| D|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| A|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| E|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| e|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| B|-----|-----|1----|3---1|3----|-----|-----|--1--| G|2----|----4|-----|-----|--0--|-----|--4--|----2| D|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|2----|-----| A|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| E|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| e|-----|0----|----1|0----|-----|0----|-----|-----| B|3----|-----|1----|-----|1----|-----|0----|-----| G|-----|-----|-----|-----|----2|-----|----2|0----| D|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| A|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| E|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| e|-----|-----|-----|-----|0----|-----|2----|-----| B|-----|-----|1----|3----|-----|-----|-----|-----| G|2----|4---2|-----|----4|-----|-----|-----|-----| D|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| G|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| A|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| E|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| e|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|1----| B|-----|-----|1----|3----|1----|3----|4----|-----| G|2----|4----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| D|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| A|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| E|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----| e|0----|1----|3----|5----| B|-----|-----|-----|-----| G|-----|-----|-----|-----| D|-----|-----|-----|-----| A|-----|-----|-----|-----| E|-----|-----|-----|-----|
@Jacobise 15 years ago
Awesome work but after playing with this it seems thatthe final line should be 0 2 3 5 instead of the F that is there. Just my thoughts keep it up.
@quinnpm 15 years ago
i agree with jacob other than that its sounds great
@ds7202 15 years ago
Are you stupid? There's no such thing as 3/3 time. I think you meant 3/4.
@Gundam33 15 years ago
Replying to:
@ds7202 Are you stupid? There's no such thing as 3/3 time. I think you meant 3/4.
Technically there is such thing as 3/3 times the first three is how many beats in a measure and the second is how much a note is. so basically 3/4 is three beats in a measure each quarter note is one quarter of a beat 3/3 whould be three beats in a measure but each quarter note whould then be one third of a beat. Get it right. and you say you play guitar...
@Kabukibear 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Gundam33 Technically there is such thing as 3/3 times the first three is how many beats in a measure and the...
But no, that's not how they work.
@Kabukibear 15 years ago
Replying to:
@ds7202 Are you stupid? There's no such thing as 3/3 time. I think you meant 3/4.
Probably, but no reason to be rude about it. >:/
@Gundam33 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Kabukibear But no, that's not how they work.
That is how the key signature works you have the 3/4 times 3/3 times 6/8 times 6/18 times 4/4 times (Most basic and used) What I find hard to understand is how I thought you should know this too. because it's not something associated with tabs much tabs are just for playing they are a 2d way to show the music it shows the notes but not the timing. Full notation with staffs and all that is 3d say were in it shows you how to play and the timing. the Key signatures are mainly meant for that purpose in mind the way they show here is a crude way indeed. I have seen so many ways to try to incorporate this into tabs but it doesn't work If you want to be sure you have the right timing and all that find a notation of this is much easier too and if you find notation instead of tabs and learn it. So much better in the long run.
@auriplane 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Gundam33 That is how the key signature works you have the 3/4 times 3/3 times 6/8 times 6/18 times 4/4 times...
It's not a key signature, it's a time signature. 3/3 and 6/18 times are not used, because there is no "third" nor "eighteenth" note, and tuplets are not a basic note value. You may very, very rarely find them written, but most software does not have support for them and most accomplished musicians have never come across them, and anything written with a shitty denominator could be much better written with a non-shitty denominator, so I highly recommend avoiding them.
@Kabukibear 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Gundam33 That is how the key signature works you have the 3/4 times 3/3 times 6/8 times 6/18 times 4/4 times...
I have a firm grasp on how time signatures work and I'm quite familiar in writing in standard notation, I just think you are confused. The bottom number indicates which note value gets the beat. For example, 3/4 indicates a bar of 3 quarters of a whole note. 6/8 indicates a bar of 6 eighth's of a whole note. The bottom number has nothing to do with "splitting up the beat," but splitting up the BAR.You can write a piece that is in 3/4 out as if it was written in 7/8 or 5/4 or anything else and it wouldn't change a thing. It WOULD, however, make it hard to read and difficult for the musician playing the piece to follow. 6/18? A bar of 6 18th's of a whole note? How on earth would you count an 18th note? You really can't just put any number you want as the denominator you know. Putting numbers under the bar that aren't a power of two are called "irrational meters." They are rarely used and are mostly used when you are trying to get a bar of an unusual length to play against another, more standard time signature. You would NEVER write an entire piece in an irrational meter because the only way to tell it's an irrational meter is to have it playing against other time signatures so the only gain would be music that is strange to look at that could be written out in a more standard form. You might use them here and there for a bar or two in a piece, but only if you had a damn good reason for doing so and judging by your lack of understanding in how time signatures work, with all due respect, you do not. And it's no big loss either, as I am almost positive you will NEVER come across a piece with an irrational time signature for as long as you play music. However, you need to understand what you're talking about if you are going to go around correcting people.
@Kabukibear 15 years ago
Replying to:
@auriplane It's not a key signature, it's a time signature. 3/3 and 6/18 times are not used, because there is...
lol exactly, just look at this answer if mine is a little rambling. :P
@libertea 15 years ago
here comes the music nazi
@Agahnim 15 years ago
This song feels more like 6/8 instead of 3/4 to me
@Kabukibear 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Agahnim This song feels more like 6/8 instead of 3/4 to me
It's one of those things that is impossible to tell for sure just by listening. Either way work, it mostly just depends on what signature makes it the easiest to follow.
@Noobstatus 14 years ago
Mass Effect owns.