5.000 avg rating 1 rating
Tabber: archard
Composer: Kenji Yamamoto
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
14893 views 17 years ago
Metroid Prime 2 Main Theme Tabbed by Jacob Baylis 5/12/06 This is only the tune, without the backing music. e-0-7-5--3-5-2---2-0----0-7-5--3-5-2---2-3------------- B--------------3---------------------3----------------- D------------------------------------------------------ A------------------------------------------------------ E------------------------------------------------------
@Gren 17 years ago
I should probably get this game sometime...
@KoeREL 17 years ago
That's only half the tune. I think the second half goes something like this
@KoeREL 17 years ago
Forgot the formatting, here you go:
@KoeREL 17 years ago
Third try ;)
@archard 17 years ago
lol there you go. I guess I should say that you have to put put code tags around each section of tab you create.
@KoeREL 17 years ago
Yeah I realised that. I also noticed something when playing that tune for some time. The last 5 should probably be a 7. At least I think it sounds more like the original, as I remember it.
@the_Predator 17 years ago
KoeREL, I think the last one in your fix should be a 6 not a 5... Sounds better to me.
@the_Predator 17 years ago
Or not... 5 is right... -.-
@KoeREL 17 years ago
I think the last one sounds best if it's a 7, but 5 also sounds good.
@Adam 17 years ago
Yeah this is an awesome game, hearing this makes me wanna play it again.
@Mitch 17 years ago
sounds good, think you could try for the other stuff now?
@Rafiel 17 years ago
I have a base version of it. Using the 2-4th frets.
It's the base version so it'll sound lower. hope I helped. yours it awesome. Keep it up! :)
@Guitarist Chris 17 years ago
this is kinda like the theme.
I have the all metroid games (big fan ^^)
took me 2 tries to master :D AWSOME ^^
@electro magnum 17 years ago
ok... could do with the other half and a bit of backing to retro it up...
@kaze ninja 17 years ago
can someone please tab the menu theme from the firsrt metroid prime! please! im begging!
@insomniac 17 years ago
Replying to:
@kaze ninja can someone please tab the menu theme from the firsrt metroid prime! please! im begging!
If you would like to make a request please go to the forums. There is a section for it there.
@ninjabenjamin 17 years ago
umm how would u figure the tempo (how fast or slow the song is) would be??? i use power tab pick a number for the bpm between 40(slowest) and 300(fastest of course)....i figure less than 100 but more than 50
@Kamil the Awesome 14 years ago
Replying to:
@ninjabenjamin umm how would u figure the tempo (how fast or slow the song is) would be??? i use power tab software...
Listen to the song on YouTube genius.