5.000 avg rating 1 rating
Tabber: auriplane
Composer: Hirokazu Tanaka
Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments
Instrument: Guitar
7444 views 16 years ago
Metroid - Item Room GUITAR TAB Song by Hiro "Hip" Tanaka Tabbed by auriplane ([email protected]) Okay, this is technically two guitar parts, but I thought it made it easier to understand the rhythm if I shoved it all on one tab. Don't try to play it all at once though :-) When you play the lower part, palm mute everything. This song is in 5/4 time, and to make the rhythm a little easier to follow I put dots under each beat. Also, this is transposed an octave down. e |--------------------|--------------------| B |--------11----------|----10--------------| G |----------------10--|--------------------| D |--------------------|------------11------| A |--------------------|--------------------| E |01234321------------|01234321------------| . . . . . . . . . . e |--------------------|--------------------|13------10----------| B |--------------------|--------12----------|--------------------| G |--------------------|11------------------|--------------------| D |------------10------|--------------------|--------------------| A |--------------------|--------------------|--------------------| E |01234321------------|01234321------------|01234321------------| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .