3.250 avg rating 4 ratings
Tabber: Sage
Composer: Daniel Rosenfeld
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Bass
20932 views 10 years ago
Media link: unknown
Song: Sweden/Calm 3 Game: Minecraft Composer: Daniel Rosenfeld Tabbed by: Jackson Harris Date Created: 8/3/2014 Note: This can be played lower by tuning the E & A strings of the bass to a D & G G|---------0---4---2---0-----| D|-2---4-------------------0-| A|---------------------------| E|---------------------------|
@bravetiger1 10 years ago
This is the most accurate bass tab for any song on here. Mainly because it's short and C418 is boring when it comes to the bass guitar, but still. I like it.
@Sage 10 years ago
Replying to:
@bravetiger1 This is the most accurate bass tab for any song on here. Mainly because it's short and C418 is borin...
Haha, Glad you like it!