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4.938 avg rating 16 ratings

Tabber: OggirtMoonfrad

Composer: Daniel Rosenfeld

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics, Artificial harmonics, Pinch harmonics

Instrument: Guitar

341815 views 13 years ago

Sweden / calm3
Composed by Daniel Rosenfeld
Arranged and tabbed by OggirtMoonfrad (Misha Colbourne)

     H        H           H        H           H        H         

  W                   H        H           H        H         

  H        H           W                   H        H         

  H        H           H        H           W                 

  H        Q    Q       H        Q    E  E     H        Q    E   E   

                             NH      NH     NH                           
  W                   Q      Q       Q      Q       H        Q    E  E   

  H        Q    E   E     W                   H        Q    Q     

                   NH    NH                                                
   H        Q      E     E      H        Q     E   E     W                 

  H        Q    Q       H        Q    E  E     H        Q    E   E   

  W                   H        Q    Q       H        Q    E  E   

  H        Q    E   E     W                   H        Q    Q     

   H        Q    E   E      H          Q    E   E     W                 

  H.           E   E     H        Q    Q       H.           E  E   

                                                         NH     NH    
  W                   H.           E   E     H           Q      Q     

  H         Q     E    E     W                  

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tuplets

Tablature Legend
L - tied note
x - dead note
g - grace note
(n) - ghost note
> - accentuded note
NH - natural harmonic
AH - artificial harmonic
TH - tapped harmonic
SH - semi harmonic
PH - pitch harmonic
h - hammer on
p - pull off
b - bend
br - bendRelease
pb - preBend
pbr - preBendRelease
brb - bendReleaseBend
\n/ - tremolo bar dip
\n - tremolo bar dive
-/n - tremolo bar Release up
/n\ - tremolo bar inverted dip
/n - tremolo bar return
-\n - tremolo bar Release down
S - shift slide
s - legato slide
/ -  slide into from below or out of upwards
\ -  slide into from above or out of downwards
~ - vibrato
W - wide vibrato
tr - trill
TP - tremolo picking
T - tapping
S - slap
P - pop
< - fade in
^ - brush up
v - brush down

@OggirtMoonfrad 13 years ago

Thanks to whoever finally changed it from "Sweeden" to "Sweden" :P

@Aleph 13 years ago

I want to play this, but I can't figure out how to play the harp-ish harmonics even with videos. xP

@Aleph 13 years ago

Oh, thanks, I seem to be able to actually do it now, although it of course doesn't sound as amazing as it does in Moonfrad's video. What you said about the bar helps a lot cause I never thought of doing that rather than placing my finger over the fret. C:

@Andarnio 12 years ago

|-------------------------------| |--0-----------<>12-----------| |--0----<>7-------------------| |--2-------------------<>7----| |-------------------------------| |--2--------------4------L----|

wtf is this??

@guitartsword 12 years ago

Minecraft needs more tabs on gametabs.net but i cant make tabs im not good. I only like to play haha. Best game for PC i think

@Ennea 9 years ago

Oh man I've played this a lot and today is the first time I realized it's not supposed to be in standard tuning, lol.

@GolldenFalcon 9 years ago

There aren't even enough words in the English language to even roughly describe how beautiful this arrangement is. Absolutely impeccable.