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Tell the Truth 2001

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Nintendo DS

5.000 avg rating 3 ratings

Tabber: auriplane

Composer: Masakazu Sugimori, Naoto Tanaka

Style: Transcription, Arrangement, 2 or more instruments

Instrument: Guitar, Bass

17015 views 15 years ago

                  Phoenix Wright - Tell the Truth!  2001 GUITAR & BASS TAB                                
                                   Song by Noriyuki Iwadare         

                       Tabbed/arranged by Auriplane ([email protected])

This is an electric guitar "arrangement", only slightly arranged of course.  The lead and
bass are pretty much the same as the original, so you can play those parts along with the
soundtrack version, and the rhythm guitar mostly fits as well.  And, I made up the drum
part, which you can hear in the MIDI / GP5 file.

So, if you don't care for the "arrangement"ness, just play the lead & bass XD

Two guitars and one bass, all in standard tuning.

                                        Lead Guitar

  S S S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S         S S S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S S  S S   
|-5-0-7-0-8-0-7-0-10-0-7-0-8-0-7-0-3-0-5-0-|     |-5-0-7-0-8-0-7-0-10-0-7-0-8-0-7-0-8-0-15-0-|
|------------------------------------------|     |-------------------------------------------|
|------------------------------------------| x3  |-------------------------------------------|
|------------------------------------------|     |-------------------------------------------|
|------------------------------------------|     |-------------------------------------------|
|------------------------------------------|     |-------------------------------------------|

  S S S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S         S S S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S S  S S   
|-5-0-7-0-8-0-7-0-10-0-7-0-8-0-7-0-3-0-5-0-|     |-5-0-7-0-8-0-7-0-10-0-7-0-8-0-7-0-8-0-15-0-|
|------------------------------------------|     |-------------------------------------------|
|------------------------------------------| x3  |-------------------------------------------|
|------------------------------------------|     |-------------------------------------------|
|------------------------------------------|     |-------------------------------------------|
|------------------------------------------|     |-------------------------------------------|

    Rest for two measures, and repeat.

                                       Rhythm Guitar

        Part A

  W               Q        W               Q        W               Q        W               Q       
  E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q       
  E  E  H.        E  S S   E  E  H.        Q       

        Part B

  E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q       
  E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q       
  E  E  H.        E  S S   E  E  H.        Q       

        Part C

  W               Q        W               Q        W               Q        W               Q       

  E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q        E  E  H.        Q       

  E  E  W                

                                      Electric Bass

        Part A

  W                               Q         W                               Q        
  W                               Q         W                               Q        

  E   E   H               S S S S S S S S   E   E   H               S S S S S S S S  
  E   E   H               S S S S E   E     E   E   H               E   E   S S E    

  E   E   H               E   E   E   E     E   E   W                                

        Part B
  E   E   H               S S S S S S S S   E   E   H               S S S S S S S S  
|-----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------| \ 
|-----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|   \
|-0---0---------------------2-3-5-2-3-2---|---------------------------------0-3-2-5-|    |
|---------------------------------------3-|-1---1---------------------5-3-----------|    |
                                                                                         | x2
  E   E   H               S S S S E   E     E   E   H               E   E   S S E        |
|-----------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------|    |
|---------------------------2-------------|-----------------------------------------|    |
|-0---0-----------------------5-3-2-------|-----------------------------------2-3---|   /
|-------------------------------------3---|-1---1-----------------------3---3-------| /
  E   E   H               E   E   E   E     E   E   W                                

        Part C

  W                               Q         W                               Q        

  W                               Q         W                               Q        

  E   E   H               S S S S S S S S   E   E   H               S S S S S S S S  
  E   E   H               S S S S E   E     E   E   H               E   E   S S E    

  E   E   W                                

Duration Legend
W - whole
H - half
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
. - note dotted