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Den of Sagila



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Tabber: auriplane

Composer: T. Hasuya

Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments, Alternate picking, Natural harmonics

Instrument: Guitar, Bass

6706 views 15 years ago

                 Rygar - Den of Sagila GUITAR & BASS TAB
                          Composed by T. Hasuya

                 Tabbed by Auriplane ([email protected])

HARMONICS: There's a pair of natural harmonics on this.  They're not 
too hard to do, but they're messed up in the GP5 file.  They're the
second harmonic, which is played at fret 7, and the fifth harmonic,
which is played a little bit past fret 3 (what would be fret 3.2).

If you don't know how to play them, just touch the string lightly
with your finger instead of pressing down, and pluck.

GRACE NOTES: The grace notes in this all have the value of a thirty-
second note, and mostly come before the beat.  The only ones that
come on the beat are in the last measure.

                               GUITAR PART
                          (Scroll down for bass)

        Part A  --  TWICE

   W                                W
e |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
G |-------------------------------2g3------------------------------5g
D |5-------------------------------|--------------------------------|
A |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|

   W                                S E   E   E   E   E   E   E   S
e |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------|----------3---------------------|
G |2-------------------------------|--3---5-------5---3-------------|
D |--------------------------------|5---------------------5---3---3-|
A |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|

        Part B  --  TWICE

   H...                          S  S S S S Q       Q..           S
e |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
B |3-------------------------------|6-3-6-3-L-------L---------------|
G |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
D |------------------------------5-|------------------------------5-|
A |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|

   W                                S E   E   E   E   E   E   E   S
e |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------|----------3---------------------|
G |5---------------------------3g2g|0-3---5-------5---3-------------|
D |--------------------------------|----------------------5---3---5-|
A |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|

        Part C  --  FOUR TIMES

   E   E   E   S E   E   S E   E    E   E   E   S E   E   S S T T S S
e |--------------------------------|-----------------------10p8p6-----|
B |8---8---8---8-8---8---8-8---6---|8---8---8---8-8---8---8-------8-6-|
G |--------------------------------|----------------------------------|
D |--------------------------------|----------------------------------|
A |--------------------------------|----------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------|----------------------------------|

        Part D  --  TWICE

                                 NH  NH*   See explanation at top.
   S S S S S S S S S S S S S S   S   S
e |------------------------------------|
B |------------------------------------|
G |------5-6-7-6-5-------5-6-7-<>7-<>3-|  x3
D |--5-8-----------8-5-8---------------|
A |------------------------------------|
E |------------------------------------|

   Q       Q       Q       Q   
e |--------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------|
G |5g7-----5g3-----5g7-----5g3-----|
D |--------------------------------|
A |--------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------|

                               BASS PART

   S S S S S S S E   S S S S S S S  S S S S S S S E   S S S S S S S
G |--------7---------------7-------|--------------------------------|
D |5-5-5-5---5-5-5---5-5-5---5-5-5-|--------8---------------8-------|
A |--------------------------------|6-6-6-6---6-6-6---6-6-6---6-6-6-|
E |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|

   S S S S S S S E   S S S S S S S  S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S
G |--------------------------------|------7-------5-----------------|
D |--------3---------------3-------|5-5-5---3-3-3---------8-------7-|
A |3-3-3-3---3-3-3---3-3-3---3-3-3-|----------------6-6-6---5-5-5---|
E |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|

        And that's it.  The bass repeats forever, while the guitar
        does its own thing.

@Bene 14 years ago

I can't believe this tab hasn't had any comments.

Good stuff. I'm having a really hard time getting those harmonics to sound right, but other than that it's spot on.

@ibouz 8 years ago

I dunno if anyone's tried this but it sounds decent if you play open d-string then play it again at the 12th fret. It has a similar effect but nowhere near the right octave.

e |------------------------------------|
B |------------------------------------|
G |------5-6-7-6-5-------5-6-7---0--12-|  x3
D |--5-8-----------8-5-8---------------|
A |------------------------------------|
E |------------------------------------|

Kinda like that ^ I find it sounds better if you do it on the G string instead of D.

@quinndangle2 8 years ago

just a heads up, you can use the < pre > and < / pre > html tags (remove spaces in between) before and after you post lines to maintain the original formatting

like this ``` e |------------------------------------| B |------------------------------------| G |------5-6-7-6-5-------5-6-7--0---12-| x3 D |--5-8-----------8-5-8---------------| A |------------------------------------| E |------------------------------------|