Super Nintendo
4.000 avg rating 1 rating
Tabber: Calebelijah
Composer: Hiroki Kikuta
Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments
Instrument: Bass
17237 views 17 years ago
Fretless Bass W W W G||-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| D||-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| A||-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| E||-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| W W W W -------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| -------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| -------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| -------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| W H E E E E H E E E E -------------------|--------------------9--|--7---------------------| -------------------|--7-----------7--9-----|--------------10--9-----| -------------------|--0--------------------|---------------------7--| -------------------|-----------------------|------------------------| H E E E E H E E E E H E E E E ------------------------|--------------10--9--7--|------------------------| --7-----------------10--|--8---------------------|--10-----------9--7--0--| --0--------------7------|------------------------|------------------------| --------------8---------|------------------------|------------------------| H E E E E H Q. E W --------------4--2--0--|------------------2--|--0----------------|| -----------------------|--1--------3---------|-------------------|| --3--------------------|---------------------|-------------------|| -----------------------|---------------------|-------------------|| Duration Legend --------------- W - whole H - half Q - quarter E - 8th S - 16th T - 32nd X - 64th . - note dotted |-n-| - n-tuplets
@Dyluck 17 years ago
Amazing tab work. Learning these immortal tunes adds a refreshingly different vocabulary to one's guitar subconscious. I didn't play Secret of Mana for about ten years, and a couple of months ago I unearthed my SNES to play for shits and giggles when I got drunk, and I was surprised to realize that many songs have never left my head all these years. This is the most prominent of them. If you're into songwriting, I'd highly recommend learning some Secret of Mana and other video game music, because it's not only highly recognizable to throw into peformances, not only very fun, but geniuinely expands your capabilities. This is getting a little loquacious. Rock on!
@SusanFarris 4 years ago
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@ThomasMeyer 4 years ago
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@JamesSouthard 4 years ago
Nice one