Super Nintendo
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Tabber: TKStriker
Composer: Hiroki Kikuta
Style: Transcription
5637 views 16 years ago
Secret of Mana - Mystic Invasion I'm not sure if this the correct title of this song, but this is the song you hear when you enter one of the underground areas. I tabbed this one mostly in position, so it'll be easier to play. Be sure to check out the accompanying video for this tune. Enjoy e----------------3------------------------3---------- B-3-----5-3--------5-------3-----5-3--------5-------- G---5--------5-2-------------5--------5-2------------ D---------------------------------------------------- A---------------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------------- e------3-5-------3------------------3-5-------3--------5- B-6--6-----6---3---5-----------6--6-----6---3---5-------- G------------5-------5-2--0---------------5-------5-2---- D-------------------------------------------------------- A-------------------------------------------------------- E-------------------------------------------------------- The song repeats from here, so play it til' you pass out.
@TrangOul 16 years ago
Sounds abit off to me, but I think I recognized it. The official title is "The Holy Intruder".
@SyyLux 14 years ago
Replying to:
@TrangOul Sounds abit off to me, but I think I recognized it. The official title is "The Holy Intruder".
Yep this is the correct title... The Holy Intruder ^^ I have searched for it XD but lets see if it is correct or not ^^
@auriplane 14 years ago
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@SyyLux Yep this is the correct title... The Holy Intruder ^^ I have searched for it XD but lets see if it i...
The correct title is 聖なる侵入. "The Holy Intruder" and "Mystic Invasion" are just a couple translations. For what it's worth, though, Mystic Invasion is the one on the English OST, though I don't think that makes it official, especially since it's wrong. "Intruder" is a mistake, btw; that would be 侵入者, not 侵入.
All of these translations are wrong, regardless. The words are not random jumbles to be translated on their own. The title is "The Divine Invasion". Like many of Hiroki Kikuta's song titles, this one is a reference to pop culture or literature--in this case, to Philip K. Dick's The Divine Invasion, which is rendered in Japanese as 聖なる侵入. So any other translation is inaccurate.
Other examples: the correct title for In the Dead of Night is 闇の奥, which means "Heart of Darkness" and is a reference to the Kubrick film.
Give Love It's Rightful Time [sic]/Leave Time for Love is really 愛に時間を ("Time Enough for Love", by Heinlein)
Happenings of a Moonlit Night is really 月夜の出来事 ("Near Dark", a cult classic).
Secrets of the Hot Sand is 熱砂の秘密 (the 40s film "Five Graves to Cairo").
Calm before the Storm/The Orphan of the Storm is really 嵐の孤児 ("Orphans of the Storm", 20s film).
Repeating Eternity is 永劫回帰 ("eternal recurrence" or "eternal return", a reference to Nietzsche's philosophy).
A Bell is Tolling is 八点鐘 ("Les Huit Coups de l'horloge", a French series).
Not every track is a reference like that, but more than half are. I'm sure there's more.
Besides, I hate these translations xD Steel and Snare is 鋼鉄と罠, so while that's an okay translation, note that it's "snare" in the sense of trap, not the musical instrument. Steel and Traps would be fine, too. And can we all agree Rose and Ghost is a terrible translation? It's literally accurate, if a bit Engrishy, but lacks all the poetry of the original.
Anyway, this is Plane, signing off from translation geekery for the evening ;-)
@ForestMarth 14 years ago
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@auriplane The correct title is 聖なる侵入. "The Holy Intruder" and "Mystic Invasion" are just a couple translation...
I often wish I could be you, auriplane.
@auriplane 14 years ago
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@ForestMarth I often wish I could be you, auriplane.
Anyone can be dorky, if only you try hard enough! ;-)
@auriplane 14 years ago
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@ForestMarth I often wish I could be you, auriplane.
Actually, I kind of stopped halfway through because I was feeling a bit embarrassed and posting all these details I assumed no one cares about, but some of them are cool.
The battle song, Danger (危機) is a reference to Close to the Edge (by Yes).
Also, A Curious Tale (不思議なお話を) is the Japanese title of Wonderous Stories, another Yes song (off of Going for the One), and it's spelled with an E because Jon Anderson didn't know how to spell it :-)
And Ceremony (儀式) is a third Yes reference, this one being "Ritual (Nous Sommes du Soleil)" off Tales from Topographic Oceans (which is BTW one of the best albums ever).
Have You Seen the Sea? (君は海を見たか) is a reference to a j-drama.
Distant Thunder (遠雷) I'm not sure about, but might be a reference to a novel/movie by the same title? Wikipedia lists some other 遠雷 but I'm not familiar with them either.
Curse (たたり) is The Haunting.
The Second Truth from the Left (最後から二番目の真実) is The Penultimate Truth, another PKD reference.
Still of the Night (浄夜) is actually an abbreviated form of 浄められた夜, which is Verklärte Nacht by by Arnold Schoenberg.
Meridian Dance (子午線の祀り) is the title of a Japanese Play, Shigosen no Matsuri (maybe best translated as The Festival of the Meridian? Meridian Dance or Meridian Festival are both fine translations, but I like Meridian Dance because it has the best sound to it IMO.)
"Fear Of the Heavens" / "Angel's Fear"[sic] (天使の怖れ) is a reference to "Angels Fear: Towards An Epistemology Of The Sacred", an academic work on religion (apparently--I've never heard of it, but Kikuta mentions it on his website). Note the lack of apostrophe.
Flying toward the Unknown (未知への飛行) is Fail-Safe, a 60s film.
In fact, Kikuta says every one of the song titles is some kind of quotation. I must find them all T_T
(Though some of the titles are too short and generic to really be reliably traced. Like 伝説 is just Legend, or The Legend, and there's not really much you can do there.)
@ForestMarth 14 years ago
Replying to:
@auriplane Actually, I kind of stopped halfway through because I was feeling a bit embarrassed and posting all...
So much culture coming from you, Plane ! I'll do my best to be in the dork side ^^
@SyyLux 14 years ago
e--------------------3------ B-3-----5-3--------------5-- G---5------------2---------- D-------------5------------- A--------------------------- E---------------------------
that is correct... like this it sounds much better and some other parts are off too ^^
but otherwise its great