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Innocent Sea (Solo)

Seiken Densetsu 3

Super Nintendo

5.000 avg rating 12 ratings

Tabber: ronito

Composer: Hiroki Kikuta

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Tremolo

Instrument: Guitar

14915 views 17 years ago

Guitar (nylon)
Based on CalebElijah's arrangment for 3 guitars

Gtr I (E A D G B E) - 'Untitled'

    Gtr I
    TP      TP    TP      TP    TP             TP
    H       Q     H       Q     H.             H.
    E E E E E E   E E E E E E   E  E E E E E   E  E E E E E

  TP      TPTP  TP  TP  TP    TP             TP
  H       E E   Q   Q   Q     H.             H.
  E E E E E E   E E E E E E   E  E E E E E   E  E E E E E

  TP      TPTP  TP      TP    TP             TP
  H       E E   H       Q     H.             H.
  E E E E E E   E E E E E E   E  E E E E E   E  E E E E E

  TP  TP  TP    TP      TP    TP             TP
  Q   Q   Q     H       Q     H.             H.
  E E E E E E   E E E E E E   E  E E E E E   E  E E E E E

@ronito 17 years ago

I couldn't get guitarpro to read the time correctly, so the timing is a bit off, but if you listen to the midi you'll be fine.

@archard 17 years ago

So how exactly are you supposed to play this? Like in terms of fingering and whatnot, what would you say? Two fingers for the tremolo and just the thumb for the bass like ajrock said? And why not have the tremolo constant instead of skipping on the bass notes? It just doesn't sound quite the same unless that tremolo is constant IMO. Also, I think it's a little too fast.

@ronito 17 years ago

It's not nearly as hard as it sounds.

The tremolo is played with three fingers (if you can do two, more power to you, but I'm not nearly that fast) I usually play a,m, i and you play the bass with the thumb.

Yeah, as I said this was a quick job. Guitarpro screwed up a bunch of stuff. But the tremolo is constant and feel free to slow it down as needed.

Google Recuerdos de Alhambra and you can find a bunch of stuff on tremolo and stuff.

@ajrock2000 17 years ago

Nice job Ron, this is exactly what I was playing last night, just quickly combining the 2...too bad my tremelo skills are so bad because I never practice it, but this is a good reason to start practicing..good job!

@ajrock2000 17 years ago

Hey archard, I put together a powertab and a midi for this with the correct speed and timing, and it might be easier to follow if anyone wants to learn this...you wanna post it on this? because i dont want to make a new tab...

@archard 17 years ago

Yeah sure, just email it to me.

@archard 17 years ago

Ok, I updated it. The ZIP file includes both a powertab and guitar pro version.

@ajrock2000 17 years ago

the tab text that you posted doesn't have the low/high melody, you must have output that from guitar pro maybe? because the one I gave you is different. It doesn't really matter, but it might help for knowing the tremelo durations. thanks!

@archard 17 years ago

Ah, ok. I'll post that one instead then.

@ajrock2000 17 years ago

lol, and i think the midi is taking effect with that, since guitar pro doesnt look like it is converting the low/high melody correctly, it is tremelo'ing the bass notes for some parts in the midi...sounds funny..

although i like guitar pro's speed of the tremelo better, powertab's is insanely fast...

@archard 17 years ago

Yeah I'm one step ahead of you, heh.

That's why I originally posted the guitar pro midi, I liked the speed a lot better. Sounded more controlled. But then when it all blends together it's so ugly.

@ajrock2000 17 years ago

if you wanna you can setup the low/high melody in gp and try outputting it then...

@archard 17 years ago

I don't know how to do that though. Do you?

@ajrock2000 17 years ago

try going into guitar pro and turning off let ring for all the notes, then output that midi...that may be whats causing that.

@ronito 17 years ago

lol. You guys are taking this so seriously. I just did it in like ten minutes just to get an idea. I appreciate all the work you're putting into it though.

@superdoughboy4 17 years ago

This sounds great! Too bad that tremolo thing is hard for me... I can't keep a steady picking with my fingers. Lol

@ronito 17 years ago

check this book out


Or any book that talks about planting it's how I learned to do tremolo

@cgseth 17 years ago

Cool tab. It's fun to have some VG music tremolo pieces.

Scott Tennant also suggests to plant to learn tremolo in Pumping Nylon. Basically, practice it slowly, making each note staccato and planting each successive finger immediately after the previous one.

@ronito 17 years ago


I know I'm a bit of a Scott Tennant/Pumping Nylon whore. But that's where I got the whole plant thing.

@BluePhoenix 16 years ago

are we supposed to run the tremolo at a different beat than the base notes? because from the midi it doesn't seem to follow the alhambra p then ami pattern

@TrangOul 15 years ago

Finally I found something to train tremolo with! All the tremolo etudes I tried couldn't keep me interested. :(

@ronito 15 years ago

I take it you've tried "Recuerdos de Alhambra"?

@SalemJeanette 15 years ago

or romance de amor.

@TrangOul 15 years ago

Just Recuerdos de Alhambra, not the other one. Well, maybe I should have another look at them.

@Agahnim 15 years ago

Try Agustin Barrios "ultimo tremolo" aka. "Una limosna por el amor de dios" It's easy to practice tremolo because most of the tremolo is picked on the first string...

Alhambra adds a step in difficulty

and after alhambra it comes "SueƱo en la Floresta" (Agustin Barrios)

@musenji 10 years ago

I mean, it's obviously cash. It was used for a fingerstyle challenge here, and as a tremolo exercise, imo, it's better than Recuerdos because there aren't as many left hand position changes.