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Fierce Battle

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne

PlayStation 2

Tabber: GameMozart

Composer: Shoji Meguro

Style: Transcription, Alternate picking

Instrument: Guitar

20752 views 14 years ago

~ Fierce Battle
from Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
- Composed by Shouji Meguro, Kenichi Tsuchiya and Toshiko Tasaki
- Tabbed by GameMozart
April 21st 2010

Tune down to Drop-C# (or Drop-D, but you'll have to lower everything half-step)

 INTRO (Q = 145)

    E E E E E E E E   E  E E E  E E E E   E E E E E  E E E   E E E  E E E  E E

  E E E E  E  E E  E    E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E    E  E E  E E E E  E   E E  E E E  E E E

  E E E E E  E E E    E E E  E E E  E E   E  E E E E E E  E   E E E E E E E E

 MAIN "THEME" (Q = 105)

     Q  E S S  S E. Q   S S S S S S S S S  S S S  S E.   x8
                        P.M.  P.M.  P.M.   P.M. 

     Q  E S S  Q  E  S S    Q  E  S S  Q  E  S S   Q  E S S  Q  E  E 

  S  S S S  S S S  S S S  S S S  E S
|-------------------------------------||       Then repeat the Main "Theme"
|-------------------------------------||     part all over again and that's 
|-10-----10-----10-----10-----10\9---*||     it.
     P.M.   P.M.   P.M.   P.M.


Duration Legend:

 W = Semibreve (Whole)
 H = Minim (Half)
 Q = Crotchet (Quarter)
 E = Quaver (Eigth)
 S = Semiquaver (Sixteenth)
 . = Augmentation dot (raises duration of the note by half its value)
 |-n-| = Tuplets (where "n" indicates whethet it's a triplet, a quintuplet...)


Tablature Legend:

 P.M. - palm mute
 \ - slide
 L - tied note
 x - 
