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Silent Hill Shattered Memories

PlayStation 2, Nintendo Wii, PSP

Tabber: Apollonia93

Composer: Akira Yamaoka

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Mandolin

366 views 2 months ago

[0:01 intro & outro versions - 1st segment - piano \ 0:06 mandolin w/ sustained tremolo] 

[0:31 intro version - 2nd segment - piano solo \ 0:40 synth \ 1:40 music fades out, cutscene cont. \
 1:51 3rd segment - music fades back in \ 
 2:04 fin]

[0:31 outro version - 2nd segment - piano & synth with drums \
 0:55 fin]

Tab legend:

tremolo               rapid, alternating down & up picking
~                     sustained note
.                     stopped note

Link to my video lesson: https://youtu.be/kxBf20B_Km0

Game file rips: https://youtu.be/7jqMeaMUCt4

Acceptance was composed by Akira Yamaoka for Silent Hill: Shattered Memories on the PS2, PSP and Wii.
As of now, there are four different versions, of which three remain in-game exclusives.

The first plays in the opening cinematic or intro of the game on all platforms. Starting off with a
piano and mandolin in the 1st segment, it continues with the piano and a synth in the 2nd segment, 
then tunes out completely before coming back with a very brief 3rd segment of piano and synth.
Unfortunately, this only exists as a cutscene on the game disc; Ergo with voxovers and sound FX integrated. 

The second plays in the closing cinematics or outro on the PS2 and PSP. Beginning with the same
1st piano and mandolin segment, before continuing with a different 2nd piano and synth segment
now joined by bass and drums. This is a music file on the disc.

The third plays in the closing cinematics or outro on the Wii. Which is a solo piano arrangement.
And too is a file on the disc.

The fourth plays in most versions of the end credits on all platforms. It's a full band rendition
with piano, synth, bass and drums plus lyrics, for which the vocals were provided by Mary Elizabeth
McGlynn (depending on the ending, you can also trigger another Yamaoka composition with her on vox,
Hell Frozen Rain). That is the only version that saw an official release as track no 20. on Silent Hill:
Shattered Memories Original Soundtrack in 2009. 

The versions relevant to this tab will be the intro and outros that include the mando. Their 1st segments
are actually even copypasted between the two tracks! I noted how they diverge after we stop playing.
Mandolin transcript in GDae standard tuning. Play it with a sustained tremolo! The piano does play two
additional notes (D#/Eb and F) in the fourth bar while the mandolin sustains it's first one and has a
stop instead of a second one. This is intentional and not an oversight of mine. Anything but the guitars
and MEM's voice is most likely a sample again, not a physically recorded instrument.