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Not Tomorrow

Silent Hill


4.857 avg rating 14 ratings

Tabber: N0Stars

Composer: Akira Yamaoka

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle, Natural harmonics

29197 views 13 years ago

Not Tomorrow (Blood Tears)

Composed by Akira Yamaoka

Arranged by NorthStar

Capo 3

    E E E E E E E E    E E E E E E E E  
E |------------------|------------------|
B |-----0-------0----|-----0------------|
G |---0---0---0---0--|---0---0-----4-0--|
D |-2-------0--------|-----------4------|
A |------------------|-3-------2--------|
E |------------------|------------------|
    E E E E E E E E    E E E E E E E S S  E E E E E E E E    E E E E S SSSSSE   
E |------------------|------------------|-7-------7--------|-7-----7-7h8-7-----|
B |-----0-------0----|-----0------------|-----0-------0----|-----0---------8---|
G |---0---0---0---0--|---0---0-----4-0h2|---0---0---0---0--|---0---0------4----|
D |-2-------0--------|-----------4------|---------0--------|------------4---4--|
A |------------------|-3-------2--------|-7----------------|-3-----------------|
E |------------------|------------------|------------------|---------7---------|

    E E E E E E E E    E E E E S SSSSSSS   E E E E E E E E    E E E E E E E S S
E |-7-------7--------|-7-----7-7h8-7-----|-3-------2---3-5--|---0-----2-----0h2|
B |-----0-------0----|-----0---------8-8-|-----0-------0----|-----0------------|
G |---0---0---0---0--|---0---0------4----|---0---0---0---0--|---0---0-----4----|
D |---------0--------|------------4---4--|-2-------0--------|-----------4---4--|
A |-7----------------|-3-----------------|------------------|-3-------2--------|
E |------------------|---------7---------|------------------|------------------|

    E E E E E E E E    E E E E E E E S S  E E E E E E E E    E E E E S SSSSSE
E |-3---3-3-2---3-5--|---0-----3---2-0h2|-7-------7--------|-7-----7-7h8-7-----|
B |-----0-------0----|-----0------------|-8---0---7---0----|-5---0---4-----8---|
G |---0---0---0---0--|---0---0-----4----|---0---0---0---0--|---0---0------4----|
D |-2-------0--------|-----------4---4--|------------------|------------4---4--|
A |------------------|-3-------2--------|-7-------5--------|-3-----------------|
E |------------------|------------------|------------------|---------7---------|

                                        To Coda
    E E E E E E E E    E E E E E E E E	   E E E E E E E E    E E E E E E E S S
E |-7-------7--------|-7-----7-7---8-7--||-3-------2---3-5--|---0-----2-----0h2|
B |-8---0---7---0----|-5---0---4--------||-----0-------0----|-----0------------|
G |---0---0---0---0--|---0---0-----4----||---0---0---0---0--|---0---0-----4----|
D |------------------|-----------4---4--||-2-------0--------|-----------4---4--|
A |-7-------5--------|-3----------------||------------------|-3-------2--------|
E |------------------|---------7--------||------------------|------------------|

    E E E E E E E E    E E E E E E E E    E E E E E SE. S S  E E E E E SE.  S S
E |-3---3-3-2---3-5--|---0-----2---3-5--|-7---7-7-10-7--7p5|-7---7-7-12-10--7-5|
B |-----0-------0----|-----0------------|-0-------0-----0--|-0-----------------|
G |---0---0---0---0--|---0---0-----4----|-0-------0--------|-0---5---9---------|
D |-2-------0--------|-----------4---4--|-----5------------|---5---5--------5--|
A |------------------|-3-------2--------|---5---5---5---5--|-3---------10------|
E |------------------|------------------|-3----------------|-------------------|

    E E E E E SE. S S  E E E E E E E E     E E E E E SE. S S  E E E E E SE.  S S
E |-7---7-7-10-7--7p5|-7---3---0---3-5---|-7---7-7-10-7--7p5|-7---7-7-12-10--7-5|
B |-0-------0-----0--|-0-------0-----5---|-0-------0-----0--|-0-----------------|
G |-0-------0--------|-0---5-----0-5-----|-0-------0--------|-0---5---9---------|
D |-----5------------|---5---5-----------|-----5------------|---5---5--------5--|
A |---5---5---5---5--|-3-------3-----3---|---5---5---5---5--|-3---------10------|
E |-3----------------|-------------------|-3----------------|-------------------|

    E E E E E SE. S S  E E E E E E E S S   E E E E E E E E    E E E E E E E E
E |-7---7-7-10-7--7p5|-7---3-------------|------------------|------------------|
B |-0-------0-----0--|-0-----------------|-----0-------0----|-----0------------|
G |-0-------0--------|-0---5-------5-4-2-|---0---0---0---0--|---0---0-----4-0--|
D |-----5------------|---5---5---5-------|-2-------0--------|-----------4------|
A |---5---5---5---5--|-3-------3---------|------------------|-3-------2--------|
E |-3----------------|-------------------|------------------|------------------|

E |------------------|------------------|
B |---0---0---0---0--|---0---0----------|
G |--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-|--0-0-0-0----4-0--|D.S. al Coda
D |-2---2---0---0----|-----------4------|
A |------------------|-3---3---2--------|
E |------------------|------------------|

  CODA    h p       h p                           h p
    E E E -3- E E E -3-  E E E E E E E S S  E E E -3- E E SSE    E E E E E E Q
E |-3-----353-2-----353|---0-----2-----0h2|-3-----353-2-7--3---|---0-----2-0------|
B |-----0---------0----|-----0------------|-----0---------0----|-----0-------4----|
G |---0---0-----0---0--|---0---0-----4----|---0---0-----0---0--|---0---0-----4----|
D |-2---------0--------|-----------4---4--|-2---------0--------|-----------4------|
A |--------------------|-3-------2--------|--------------------|-3-------2--------|
E |--------------------|------------------|--------------------|------------------|
E |-12---------------||
B |-12---------------||
G |-12---------------||
D |------------------||
A |------------------||
E |-12---------------||

@archard 13 years ago

Oh my, I can't play this right now, but it looks like quite the badass arrangement.

@Lemoncobbler 13 years ago

really nice, never played any silent hill games, but this arrangement makes me wanna try one. one thing though, I'm having a hard time with the fingering on measure 14. Am I supposed to bar the four then try to finger both the sevens? maybe I just have tiny hands, but I just can't do it.

@manyth 13 years ago

wow !

@theshape 12 years ago

I am not good at fingerpicking someone please make a video of them playing the song so i get an idea of how it's supposed to be played. Thanks.

@Choogly 12 years ago

Beautiful. Great job on this.

@SugarBooger 12 years ago

I say you've got a good ear, but some of the fingering is a little wonky. For instance, in the sixth measure you could lay down a barre on 7 and play those notes on the fourth fret up on the 9th.

I would love to see you play this. It'd be an impressive feat.

@karathrow 12 years ago

This arrangement would be perfect if it weren't for that awkward part with the fourth fret barre. I could probably practice it to where it wouldn't be an issue but in that span of time I could learn like 3 other arrangements.

Also my pinky am cry after playing this.

@gravenfire45 11 years ago

this is cray cray dude but awesome

@b00mjuice 11 years ago

Hello, I created an account just to post this. I ask anyone who can play this to please, please make a small video of it and post it here. I would be endlessly grateful.

@GabrielBocanegra 3 years ago
