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Mare Carelia



5.000 avg rating 8 ratings

Tabber: musenji

Composer: Auriplane

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

3789 views 13 years ago

Mare Carelia
composed by auriplane
tabbed by musenji, 10/31/11

Standard tuning, see below for comments







@auriplane 13 years ago

_@_v !

@musenji 13 years ago

So, I wanted to make a couple notes:

  1. Yes, this is entirely my work, despite the timing and similarities to hsl's. :-) I actually tabbed this two months ago, but didn't post it because of some indecision about ideal fingerings.

  2. Measure 2 is the main left hand fingering that I was debating. I think the fingering in hslesperance's tab is better (because it lets the melody note ring longer), but I'm including the alternative here for variety!

[edit] Ah! Auri you beat me to posting. I'm glad you like it. :D

@Max_depa 13 years ago

good job, very relaxing song to play :)

@Lemoncobbler 13 years ago

good tab good tab

@hslesperance 13 years ago

One of the major differences is measure 8 and 16. I was thinking of doing the same thing you did and have the last four notes of the bass be the same as the first four in that same measure. It makes the fingering easier, but I wanted to keep the notes from the original song.

@natenmn 13 years ago

This tab is great. Good job, Musenji!

However, I think that this tab could benefit from dropped-d tuning and a capo on the second fret. I quickly slapped together a gp5 file and a pdf using your original tab to illustrate what it would look like:

Mare Carelia D Capo