Sega Genesis
4.750 avg rating 4 ratings
Tabber: LTRobson
Composer: Masato Nakamura
Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle
Instrument: Guitar
28663 views 15 years ago
Media link: YouTube
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Emerald Hill Zone (Mega Drive) Simple solo guitar arrangement Tabbed by LTRobson Jan 2010 Standard tuning |-1--3-----0----1- |-3--5------------ |----------------- |----------------- |-1--3-----0----1- |----------------- |----------------------0---------------------- |-------------1--1--3--------3--------1----3-- |----0--2--0-----------------------2---------- |-------------------------0-----0-----0-----0- |-3-----3-----3-----3------------------------- |--------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------- |---------1--3--1---1------------------- |-------3---3-----3----2---------------- |--------------------------------------- |-1----1-----1----1----0----2----3----0- |--------------------------------------- |----------------------0---------------------- |-------------1--1--3--------3--------1----3-- |----0--2--0-----------------------2---------- |-------------------------0-----0-----0-----0- |-3-----3-----3-----3------------------------- |--------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------- |----------1--3--1----1----------------------- |--------3---3------3-----2------------------- |--------------------------------------------- |-1-----1-----1-----1-----0-----2-----3-----0- |--------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------- |-1-------------------1---0-1p0-------0-1p0--- |----------2--------2------------------------- |--------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------- |-1-----1-----1-----1-----0-----0-----0-----0- |--------------------------------------------- |-------0--1--3--1--0--3--1--1---------------- |----------------------------------2---------- |--------------------------------------------- |-2-----2-----2-----2-----0-----2-----3-----0- |--------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------- |-1-------------------1---0-1p0-------0-1p0--- |----------2--------2------------------------- |--------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------- |-1-----1-----1-----1-----0-----0-----0-----0- |-------------------------------------------- |-3p1---------------------------------------- |-----2-------------------------------------- |-----2------------------------------0------- |-----0-------------------0-0--0-2-3---3-2-0- |-3------------------------------------------
@LTRobson 15 years ago
Simple bass line - just plod through 4 beats to a bar and look at the melody separately to start off, then try and keep a steady rhythm while you play both!
@auriplane 15 years ago
Replying to:
@LTRobson Simple bass line - just plod through 4 beats to a bar and look at the melody separately to start off...
I think you should be able to click edit and add that information to the tab directly. I have an edit button anyway. I just edited your name from LTRosbon to LTRobson on this tab XD
@LTRobson 15 years ago
Replying to:
@auriplane I think you should be able to click edit and add that information to the tab directly. I have an ed...
Hehe :P
Do you have an edit on the tab page? Mine doesn't have one.
@Jacob31593 15 years ago
Replying to:
@LTRobson Hehe :P Do you have an edit on the tab page? Mine doesn't have one.
you should be able to edit your own tabs after they have been uploaded
@LTRobson 15 years ago
Replying to:
@Jacob31593 you should be able to edit your own tabs after they have been uploaded
This is what I've got:
@auriplane 15 years ago
Replying to:
@LTRobson This is what I've got:
I thought Archard gave edit buttons to people for their own tabs! I must have mis-read or mis-remembered.
@LTRobson 15 years ago
Replying to:
@auriplane :o I thought Archard gave edit buttons to people for their own tabs! I must have mis-read or mis-re...
It would certainly be handy to correct little mistakes.
@archard 15 years ago
Replying to:
@auriplane :o I thought Archard gave edit buttons to people for their own tabs! I must have mis-read or mis-re...
auriplane said
I haven't given LT permissions to add or edit tabs, but I suppose if he's gonna be a regular submitter he can hop on board.
@Jacob31593 15 years ago
Replying to:
@archard auriplane said :o I thought Archard gave edit buttons to people for their own tabs! I must have mis...
i thought you once said that all people could edit their own tabs
@hj 7 years ago
This tab I think was flawless.Beautiful!