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Launch Base Zone 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 3

Sega Genesis

5.000 avg rating 1 rating

Tabber: auriplane

Composer: Various Composers, Brad Buxer, Michael Jackson

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Bass

7462 views 15 years ago

                  Sonic 3 - Launch Base Zone 2 BASS TAB 
                         Composed by Brad Buxer

                 Tabbed by Auriplane ([email protected])

Four-string bass, standard tuning.

    Part A

   E.    E.    E   E.    S E   E   
G |--------------------------------|
D |------0-----7---L-----0-5---0---| x4
A |--------------------------------|
E |3-------------------------------|

    Rest for four measures.

    Part B

   E   E   E.    S Q       E.    S  E   E   E.    S Q       E   S S 
G |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
D |--------------------------------|------------------------0---5-0-|
A |3---3---1-----0---------------0-|--------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------|1---1---2-----3-----------------|

   E   E   E.    S Q       E.    S  E   E   E.    S Q       Q    
G |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
D |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
A |3---3---1-----0---------------0-|------------------------5-------|
E |--------------------------------|1---1---2-----3-----------------|

   E   E   E.    S Q       E.    S  E   E   E.    S Q       E   S S 
G |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
D |--------------------------------|------------------------0---5-0-| x2
A |3---3---1-----0---------------0-|--------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------|1---1---2-----3-----------------|

    Rest for eight measures, then repeat back to Part B.

@Ginko 15 years ago

yayy :) awesome auri #1 comment!