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World 7

Super Mario Brothers 3


5.000 avg rating 4 ratings

Tabber: auriplane

Composer: Koji Kondo

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar, Bass

9046 views 16 years ago

Game: Super Mario Bros. 3
Song: World 7
Composed by: Koji Kondo
Tabbed by: Ponyplane

~ = vibrato
p = pull-off
h = hammer-on
b = bend
/ = slide
pm = palm-mute
tr = tremolo picking

e |---------------------------------|--------------8-10--11-------|
B |---------------------------------|--------------8-10--11-------|
G |-----8--10---10/11\10--8---------|-----8--10-------------------|
D |-10--8--10---10/11\10--8--10--8--|-10--8--10-------------------|
A |-10-----------------------10--8--|-10--------------------------|
E |---------------------------------|-----------------------------|
  |                                                               |   
G |---------------------------------|-----------------------------| 
D |-----1--3------------------------|-----1---3-------------------| 
A |-3-------------------------------|-3---------------------------| 
E |---------------------------------|-----------------------------|

Or combined with the bass up an octave:

e |---------------------------------|--------------8-10--11-------|
B |---------------------------------|--------------8-10--11-------|
G |-----8--10---10/11\10--8---------|-----8--10-------------------|
D |-10--8--10---10/11\10--8--10--8--|-10--8--10-------------------|
A |-10--6--8-----------------10--8--|-10--6--8--------------------|
E |-8-------------------------------|-8---------------------------|

@auriplane 16 years ago

I like to play it like this for some reason, even though it's not quite the same:

e |-----------------------|-----------------------|
B |-----------------------|---------8-10-11~~~~~--|
G |-0-3-5---5/6\5---3-0---|-0-3-5-----------------|
D |-0-3-5---5/6\5---3-0-3-|-0-3-5-----------------|
A |---------------------3-|-----------------------|
E |-----------------------|-----------------------|

@Alexander 15 years ago

I think it's more like this:

e |-----------------------|---------8-10-11~~~~~--|
B |-----------------------|---------8-10-11~~~~~--|
G |---3-5---5/6\5---3-0---|---3-5-----------------|
D |-5-1-3---5/6\5---3-0-3-|-5-1-3-----------------|
A |-3-------------------3-|-3---------------------|
E |-----------------------|-----------------------|

@Juja 15 years ago

I don't know which one of these is exactly what's played in the game, but at least people have 3 different tabs to choose from now. Auriplane, you should bust out your NES sound thingy to find out for sure.

@LTRobson 15 years ago

I just submitted this tune and noticed you had already written it exactly the same, tho I play it this way also as it seems to give a clearer tone nearer the neck:


@musenji 15 years ago

I think they're all equally near the neck. :P :D

Kudos, all!

There seems to be a lot of SMB3 music that is minimalist, prime for improvised descant lines...