5.000 avg rating 3 ratings
Tabber: Juja
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
7382 views 16 years ago
Game: Super Mario Bros. 3 Song: World 8 Composed by: Koji Kondo Tabbed by: Not So Great Juja (Paul Horses) Key: ~ = vibrato p = pull-off h = hammer-on b = bend / = slide pm = palm-mute tr = tremolo picking Just play these chords over and over. e|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------| G|-----4---3-----------7---6------| D|-3---4---3---2---6---7---6---4--| A|-3---2---1---2---6---5---4---4--| E|-1-----------0---4-----------2--|
@Supreme Dirt 16 years ago
Hurray for one of the most simple tunes!
@Szaratepwe 16 years ago
@auriplane 15 years ago
doo DOO DOO doo doo DOO DOO doooooo