2.500 avg rating 2 ratings
Tabber: SamBeckett94
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments
Instrument: Guitar, Bass
38669 views 16 years ago
e-------------------- B-------------------- G-5-----2-4-2-1-3-1-0 D---5---------------- A-----7-------------- E-------------------- Harmony Melody - e---------------- B---------------- G---------------- D-2-----3-3-2-0-2 A---3------------ E-----3---------- Bassline - (played on lead or bass) G-0---------- D---2---3---- A-----3---4-3 E------------
@Ferravaag 16 years ago
I belive this would be better
e----------------------------- B------------------------------ G-5-----2-4-2-1-3-1---------- D---5--------------------5p3h5--------- A-----7----------------------- E-------------------------------
Beside of that it was perfect.
@SamBeckett94 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Ferravaag I belive this would be better e----------------------------- B------------------------------ G-5----...
You know, I used to believe it was that too, but after removing the square 1 and triangle channels from the NES' sound, I found out otherwise. You'll notice that everyone gets the D-5p3h5 from the harmony melody, which is why it sounds a little odd.
Either that, or I'm tone deaf.
@dontango13 13 years ago
is sounds really good.