4.333 avg rating 6 ratings
Tabber: eddhead
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
39836 views 17 years ago
Super Mario Bros. Level Clear! NES Tabber: "Fast" Eddie Schofield Standard Tuning e-----------------0--3--0---- B--------------1------------- G-----------0---------------- D--------2------------------- A-----3---------------------- E--3------------------------- e--------------------4------- B--------------1--4-----4---- G-----------1---------------- D--------1------------------- A-----3---------------------- E--4------------------------- e-----------------1--6----6-6-6--8 B--------------3------------------ G-----------3--------------------- D-----0--3------------------------ A--1------------------------------ E--------------------------------- Rock on!
@Matthew 17 years ago
@eddhead 17 years ago
.... uhh....?
@Rocker 17 years ago
Yup, its correct if you play it in time
@Jason 17 years ago
very accurate tab and easy to play. Nice
@Thor 17 years ago
where are all the SMB tabs that tell you how long to play each note?
@jakey 17 years ago
those type of tabs're not tabs. and if you really need to no then y would you want to learn the song? you dont no wat it sounds like.
i think it is supposed to be played an octave up but otherwise it [emphasis] looks fine [/emphasis].
@Jimboh 17 years ago
dude timing? seriously you will never be able to play a tab if you dont know how the song goes...
@Anonymous 17 years ago
honestly people .. there is a link to the midi for every tab posted on this site .. i dont know if you are just not seeing it or if you are all half retarded .. either way.. listen to the midi to get the timing down .. really not that taxing is it?
btw bass sucks ... f*ck em
@Lol 16 years ago
OMG WOOT but how can you go through the whole level and get no points?!?!?!? hahahahah
@Ray 16 years ago
i tired of all these pussys who bitch about timing, for real, if u have no idea how the supermario brothers music goes, u should def kill yourself by chocking on a dick cuz it is the most well known tune. fckin figure out the timing ur god damn self! he's not ur mommy and doesnt need to wipe ur ass everytime u take a shit!
@slovibond 16 years ago
Replying to:
@Ray i tired of all these pussys who bitch about timing, for real, if u have no idea how the supermario b...
Wow, Ray.
I certainly agree that anyone who hasn't played a 1985 videogame starring an Italian plumber who eats mushrooms, stamps on turtles and throws fire, should certainly choke on d**k..
Think somebody skipped on their ritalin?
@archard 16 years ago
Replying to:
@slovibond Wow, Ray. I certainly agree that anyone who hasn't played a 1985 videogame starring an Italian plumb...
This is why we disabled anonymous comments ;)
@gguitar from estonia 11 years ago
very good!