3.500 avg rating 6 ratings
Tabber: eddhead
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
15998 views 17 years ago
Super Mario Bros. Time Warning NES Tabber: "Fast" Eddie Schofield Standard Tuning e--------------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------------- G-----1--1-1-----2--2-2-----3--3-3--4-4------- D-----0--0-0-----1--1-1-----2--2-2--3-3------- A--------------------------------------------- E--0----------1----------2--------------------
@Guitar Man 17 years ago
i honestly dont see a point to this tab.
@Anon 17 years ago
wtf is this anyway?
@nozzie 17 years ago
Doesnt matter its still a tab
@eddhead 17 years ago
Chillax, guys! Someone requested it a long time ago with a few other tabs (SMB3 Overworld2 and SMB Level Clear!), and I felt obliged to include this one with the other ones he requested!
lol @ Anon "wtf is this"... it just made me laugh
@AILD1 17 years ago
Yo, I like this, it goes with the Overworld theme. Which basically means that you are gonna have to play faster. I haven't even played yet and I already have a feeling that it is 100% correct. Thanks for posting this!
God bless
@eddhead 17 years ago
See? AILD1 knows what's goin' on.
@JODANC 17 years ago
lol averyoen that have played a mario games surely knows about this time warning :P
@yoshistrings 17 years ago
why anyone would wanna play this i dont know, but hey its the classics i guess...
@Mevanana 17 years ago
..Well it came in handy for me. I don't think they will ever tell me "Yeah you can do wahtever you want for the spring concert" ever again cackle
"Sounds from supermario" is totally valid as an orchestral arrangement.
@archard 17 years ago
It could be used like the Wrap-It-Up machine from Chappelle's show. When you want someone to hurry up and finish something, just play this music at them and they'll start to speed up
@KaiserBill 16 years ago
"why would anyone want to play this?" - for the same reason they would want to play any of the mario theme!
that said, this tab seems too low to me - maybe it should all be moved up an octave?
and for those that don't even know what this tab is for - more fool you! if you don't know the 'hurry up!' lick, then what are you even doing looking at mario tabs in the first place?!
@yoshistrings 16 years ago
maybe I'll use this in my solo mario arrangement
@Sadurchin0 10 years ago
Pretty good