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Rainbow Road

Super Mario Kart

Super Nintendo

Tabber: auriplane

Composer: Soyo Oka

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Bass

10019 views 15 years ago

                      Super Mario Kart - Rainbow Road BASS TAB
                                  Song by Soyo Oka

                      Tabbed by auriplane ([email protected])
                                   On Mar 2, 2009

The rhythm on this song is the same the entire way through.  I'll mark it
here at the top, but you should be able to pick it up by listening, once
you realize it's always the exact same rhythm:


       E.    E.    Q       E.    E.    (E)  E.    E.    E   E   E   E      
    G |------------5-------------------|------------------------7---5---|
    D |------5-------------------------|--------------------5-----------|
    A |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
    E |8-------------------8-----8-----|----8-----8-----8---------------|
       1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . .  1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . .

       Q  = Quarter note
       E. = Dotted eighth
       E  = Eighth note

Anyway, here is the song.  

Four-string bass, standard tuning.


G |------5---------|------------7-5-|
D |---5------------|----------5-----|  x2
A |----------------|----------------|
E |8---------8--8--|--8--8--8-------|

    Part A

G |------5---------|------------7-5-|
D |---5------------|----------5-----|  x3
A |----------------|----------------|
E |8---------8--8--|--8--8--8-------|

G |------5---------|----------------|
D |----------8-----|----------------|  x2
A |---8------------|--6--6--6-6-----|
E |6------------6--|------------9-8-|

G |------4---------|----------------|------4---------|----------------|
D |----------7-----|----------------|----------7-----|----------------|
A |---7------------|--5--5--5-5-----|---7------------|--5--5--5-5-6-6-|
E |5------------5--|------------8-7-|5------------5--|----------------|

    Part B

G |------7---5-----|----------------|------7---5-----|------------7-5-|
D |---5---------5--|----------------|---5---------5--|----------5-----| x2
A |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
E |8---------------|--8--8--8-5-6-7-|8---------------|--8--8--8-------|

G |10-10-10--10-10-|--10-10-10101010|9--9--9---9--9--|--8--8--8-8-8-8-|
D |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
A |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
E |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|

G |7--7--7---7--7--|--7--7--7-7-7-7-|10-10-10--10-10-|----------------|
D |----------------|----------------|----------------|--8--8--8-8-8-8-|
A |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
E |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|

    Repeat back to Part A.

@surreal 15 years ago

As I was listening to your youtube recording I started to laugh uncontrollably when the familiar melody kicked in. Nostalgia does strange things.

Great tab.