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Hardworking Moles

Super Mario RPG

Super Nintendo

5.000 avg rating 7 ratings

Tabber: Agahnim

Composer: Yoko Shimomura

Style: Arrangement, Fingerstyle

Instrument: Guitar

7345 views 15 years ago

Hardworking moles are good moles
Super Mario RPG
Composed by: Yoko Shimomura
Arranged by: Ivo Koporcic
October 5, 2009

CAPO on 3rd fret.

      S S S S E  E  E  E  Q       S S S S E  E  E  E  E  E   
G ||------0-2-0----------------|----------------------------|
D ||--2-3-----2--3-----0--2----|----0-2-3-2--0-----3--2-----|
F ||----------------------2----|----------------------------|
C ||--0-------------0----------|--0-------------0-----0-----|
G ||---------------------------|----------------------------|

  S S S S E  E  S S E   E  E     S S S S E  E  E  E  E  E   

  S S S S E  E  S S E   E  E     S S S S E  E  E  E  E  S S  

  S S E  S S E  E  E  E  E     E  S S E  S S E  E  E  E   

  E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  Q    E  E  E  E   

  S S S S E  E  S S E   E  E     S S S S E  E  E  E  E  E   

  S S S S E  E  S S E   E  E     S S S S E  E  E  E  Q     

  E  E  E  E  E  E  Q       E  E  E  E  E  E  Q       E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E   

  E  E  E  E  E  S S Q       S S S S E  E  S S E  E  E   

  S S S S E  E  E  E  Q       E  E  E  E  E  E  E  E     E  E  Q    Q    Q     


Duration -egend
W - who-e
H - ha-f
Q - quarter
E - 8th
S - 16th
T - 32nd
X - 64th
. - note dotted
|-n-|  - n-tup-ets

Tab-ature -egend
- - tied note
x - dead note
g - grace note
(n) - ghost note
> - accentuded note
NH - natura- harmonic
AH - artificia- harmonic
TH - tapped harmonic
SH - semi harmonic
PH - pitch harmonic
h - hammer on
p - pu-- off
b - bend
br - bendRe-ease
pb - preBend
pbr - preBendRe-ease
brb - bendRe-easeBend
\n/ - tremo-o bar dip
\n - tremo-o bar dive
-/n - tremo-o bar Re-ease up
/n\ - tremo-o bar inverted dip
/n - tremo-o bar return
-\n - tremo-o bar Re-ease down
S - shift s-ide
s - -egato s-ide
/ -  s-ide into from be-ow or out of upwards
\ -  s-ide into from above or out of downwards
~ - vibrato
W - wide vibrato
tr - tri--
TP - tremo-o picking
T - tapping
S - s-ap
P - pop
< - fade in
^ - brush up
v - brush down

@Skillface 15 years ago

Holy crap, Awesome!