Super Nintendo
5.000 avg rating 1 rating
Tabber: kurebisubarudo
Composer: Koji Kondo
Style: Transcription, Arrangement, 2 or more instruments
Instrument: Guitar
12344 views 15 years ago
Hey, maximize me! SUPER MARIO WORLD 'COURSE CLEAR' GUITAR TAB Ok,thanks. Now listen: There are two versions for this song. One one them has two guitars and the other is for one guitar only. And, besides this, i'm givin' you the Guitar Pro tab of this song containing both of them. These tabs work with Guitar Pro V5.2 ONLY!! On the GP tab, the first two tracks are from the first version. The third is the solo version. Choose the one you want to listen and mute the other track(s). Sorry for my bad english and good luck learning this! 2-GUITAR VERSION GUITAR 1 E:----------------|----------------|--8-10-8-10-8----6-5---|-------------13-| B:--6---6-----6---|---6-------6----|----------------------8|----6-----------| G:---------7----7-|------7--5-----7|--------------7--------|----------------| D:----------------|----------------|-----------------------|----------------| A:----------------|----------------|-----------------------|----------------| E:----------------|----------------|-----------------------|----------------| GUITAR 2 E:----------------|----------------|-----------------------|----------------| B:----------------|----------------|-----------------------|----------------| G:----------------|----------------|-----------------------|----------------| D:----------------|----------------|-----------------------|----------------| A:--8------8-6---6|--5------5-4---4|--3-----------3---5---7|----8>>3<<8-----| E:----------------|----------------|-----------------------|----------------| NOTE: 8>>3<<8 = slide from 8 to 3, hit fret 3 and then slide to 8 right starting when guitar 1 plays fret 6 and finish right before guitar 1 plays fret 13. 1-GUITAR VERSION (SOLO GUITAR/CLASSICAL GUITAR VERSION) -a little more complicated... i still cant play this- GUITAR 1 E:----------------|----------------|--8-10-8-10-8----6-5---|-------------13-| B:--6---6-----6---|---6-------6----|----------------------8|----6-----------| G:---------7----7-|------7--5-----7|--------------7--------|----------------| D:----------------|----------------|-----------------------|----------------| A:--8====--6=====-|---5======-4====|-----------------5==--7|----8>>3<<8-----| E:----------------|----------------|--8=========--8--------|----------------| NOTE: For this one i highly recommend the Guitar Pro version. Anyway, if you take at least one hour you can master this one. Its really beatiful to play. ====== is when you still hold this note while playing the others. Good luck ;)