Super Nintendo
4.000 avg rating 2 ratings
Tabber: archard
Composer: Kenji Yamamoto, Minako Hamano
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
13665 views 17 years ago
Boss Theme Super Metroid Composed by Kenji Yamamoto 3/17/07 This is a revision to my original tab, which can still be found at e-------------- B-------------- G-------------- D-------------- A--8--8--9--6-- E-------------- x4 e--------------------------------------- B--7p6-------------8---7---10---11--12-- G------6---------6-------7-------8---9-- D--------5---4h5------------------------ A--------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------- e----------------- B----------------- G----------------- D----------------- A--11--11--12--9-- E----------------- x4 e-------------- B-------------- G-------------- D-------------- A--8--8--9--6-- E-------------- x4 e--6--5h6p5----5--6--5h6p5----5--9--8h9p8----8-- B-----------7--------------7--------------10---- G----------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------- e--11--10h11p10-14--13h14p13-------14-13-------14-13-- B----------------------------16-15-------16-15-------- G----------------------------------------------------- D----------------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------------------- E----------------------------------------------------- Repeat from beginning
@alex haley 17 years ago
thast so true!!! ice had it stuck in my head since i fisrt got to a boss!!! thast more than like 7 years ago!!!! think ya can uhh.. finish it?
@archard 17 years ago
Sure. I was just waiting for someone to say "hey man finish the tab!". It's kinda hard to get motivated to finish something when no one shows any interest.
@alex haley 17 years ago
i show interest! lol any one whose a metroid geek and knows how to play guitar by ear should get some motovation encouragement lol
@archard 17 years ago
Ok I revised the tab. It now includes all parts :)
@Bellmont 16 years ago
Nice love this tab Archard so far allyourtabs have been realy realy good keep it up ^W^
@afrofire11 14 years ago
e-------------- B-------------- G-------------- D-------------- A-------------- E--8--8--9--6--
That's the first part. Everything else is spot on.