Super Nintendo
5.000 avg rating 1 rating
Tabber: auriplane
Composer: Kenji Yamamoto, Minako Hamano
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Bass
9031 views 16 years ago
Media link: YouTube
Super Metroid - Mother Brain Battle BASS TAB Song by Kenji Yamamoto Tabbed by auriplane ([email protected]) This song is in 7/8 time, so the fourth note is shorter. Q Q Q E G |---------------------| D |---------------------| A |---------------------| E |2-----3-----4-----5--| That's it :-)
@TheGanonCannon 15 years ago
that is not all there is!
@auriplane 15 years ago
Replying to:
@TheGanonCannon that is not all there is!
Haha well it's all there is on BASS.
One day Juja and I were trying to fill out the rest of the tabs for the Super Metroid soundtrack, and we didn't end up doing all of them, but I did some little ones like this.
Did you want a tab for any of the other stuff in that song? I'll be the first to admit this isn't much of a tab ;-)
@nowhereman 13 years ago
Replying to:
@auriplane Haha well it's all there is on BASS. One day Juja and I were trying to fill out the rest of the tabs...
could you please do the whole tab. the bass is menacing, but it still needs those high-pitched shrills to truly convey the sense of EPIC EVIL!!!
@TheGanonCannon 15 years ago
Not really however there is one tab I would like to see done!
Would you be able to do "Edwards Castle" from "Illusion of Gaia"?
Or the Town theme? Cause I really wanna see more illusion of Gaia guitar tabs :D
@afrofire11 15 years ago
How is it not much of a tab when it contains the entirety of the song for bass?