Super Nintendo
4.500 avg rating 2 ratings
Tabber: Juja
Composer: Kenji Yamamoto, Minako Hamano
Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments
Instrument: Guitar
8087 views 16 years ago
Game: Super Metroid Song: Spore Spawn Composed by: Kenji Yamamoto Tabbed by: Not So Great Juja (Paul Horses) Key: ~ = vibrato p = pull-off h = hammer-on b = bend / = slide pm = palm-mute tr = tremolo picking This plays the entire time: e|-14-13-12----------14-13-12----------| B|----------13-14-15----------13-14-15-| G|-------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------| ========================================== Here's the other stuff: e|--------------------------14---13------| B|-10--9--------------------15---16------| G|-10--11--------------------------------| G|---------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------|
@T-Viruz 16 years ago
heh that's an easy one but definitely worth it!
@SyyLux 14 years ago
Everything... really everything was fitting ^^ I mean it looks easy.. and it is but sounds so awesome... thanks for posting this ^^ I am playing this like 2 hours now... and it wont get boring XD and my bro sitting next to it with his guitar and play the chorus things (or strings) XD thats so funny like he is saying... ok wait... wait... Now my part he plays it... and than.. THAT WAS HARD TO DO XDDDDD
@auriplane 14 years ago
Replying to:
@SyyLux Everything... really everything was fitting ^^ I mean it looks easy.. and it is but sounds so awesom...
Yeah, Juja and I wanted to do a recording of this one, but it was too hard for us. After making this tab, Juja broke his guitar in half and gave up forever.
@SyyLux 14 years ago
Replying to:
@auriplane Yeah, Juja and I wanted to do a recording of this one, but it was too hard for us. After making thi...
That was so smashing to ground ... i gave up trying to play this XDDDDDD
oh man this is awesome to play since i learned it I am playing this 3 hours a day though XD