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Bramble Blast

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Nintendo Wii

5.000 avg rating 7 ratings

Tabber: hslesperance

Composer: Various Composers

Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments

Instrument: Guitar

34109 views 16 years ago

Bramble Blast
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Composed by David Wise
Arranged by Michiko Naruke
Tabbed by hslesperance

Standard Tuning

 Some parts of the song might not line up for the tempo since there are four or five
 instruments playing at once. So just listen to the song for the timing.

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bass

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bass

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bass
|                                                                                      |
|    ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^   ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^                           |
|G---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---------------------------| Rhythm Guitar

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G--------------------------------------------------------------------0--2/4-----------| Lead Guitar
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bass
|                                                                                      |
|    ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^   ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^                           |
|G---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---------------------------| Rhythm Guitar

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G-----------------------------------------------------------------2-------------------| Lead Guitar
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bass
|                                                                                      |										       |
|    ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^   ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^                           |
|G---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---------------------------| Rhythm Guitar

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G-------2------2-----2----0--------4p2p0---------------2------------------------------| Lead Guitar
|                                                                                      |
|G------------------------------------------------------2/4----------------------------| Violin
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bass
|                                                                                      |
|    ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^   ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^                           |
|G---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---------------------------| Rhythm Guitar

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G--------------------------------2----------------2--4--------------------------------| Violin
|                                                                                      |
|G------------------------------------------------------------------2------------------| Lead Guitar
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bass
|                                                                                      |
|    ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^   ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^                           |
|G---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---------------------------| Rhythm Guitar

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G---------------------------2---------------------------------------------------------| Violin
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bass
|                                                                                      |
|    ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^   ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^                           |
|G---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---------------------------| Rhythm Guitar

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G---------------------------------------------7---------------------------------------| Violin
|                                                                                      |
|G---------2-------------2-----------2---------------2-0-------------------------------| Lead Guitar
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bass
|                                                                                      |
|    ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^   ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^                           |
|G---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---------------------------| Rhythm Guitar

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G--------------------------------------------7----------------------------------------| Violin
|                                                                                      |
|G--------2---------2--------2---------------------------------------------------------| Lead Guitar
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bass
|                                                                                      |
|    ^ v  v   v ^  ^ v  v   v ^   ^ v  v   v ^                                         |
|G---2-2--2---2-2--2-2--2---2-2---2-2--2---2-2-----------------------------------------| Rhythm Guitar

|D-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G----------------------2-----------2------------2-------------------------------------| Cello

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Pizzicato Strings
|                                                                                      |
|G----------------------2--------2---------------------2--4----------------------------| Cello

|G-----------------------------------7--6-7--------------------------------------------| String Synth.

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| String Synth.
|                                                                                      |
|G------------------------------------------2--2---------------------------------------| Cello

|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| String Synth.
|                                                                                      |
|G-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Cello

^ - up stroke
v - down stroke
/ - slide up
p - pull off
h - hammer on
\ - slide down

@Juja 16 years ago

Awesome stuff, man. I'm surprised nobody else's rated yet.

@Shorty5124 15 years ago

Dude that's a great tab, i like how you have every single part. This is one of my favorite songs from brawl.

@EXFRAWEN 15 years ago

Hey, this is a great tab, thanks so much for doing it, amm, I'm actually transcribing it to GP to have a better understanding and to not be loosing myself with all the text :p, it's a really great tab but now I notice that the drums are missing, it would be very cool if you could add them cause they add up nice beat =)

Anyway, there are some parts too where you put like "trumpet" and "Lead guitar" but I think is more of a violin and I lisen to a kinda cello to? lol

anyway, very nice tab, thanks again =)

@denisse3 14 years ago

I love it so much...i just have trouble playing...i cant pull off...i keep hammering on and it sound awful when i do it! I bet it sound Incredible when you play it!