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Hyrule Temple: Fire Emblem

Super Smash Bros. Melee


4.111 avg rating 9 ratings

Tabber: archard

Composer: Shogo Sakai, Hirokazu Ando, Tadashi Ikegami, Takuto Kitsuta

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

53287 views 17 years ago

Hyrule Temple: Fire Emblem
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Composed by Hirokazu Ando





Main Theme




There are a few other parts to this song but nothing that you can really rock
out to and it's kind of orchestral so I'm gonna leave it out unless anyone
requests otherwise.

@Klits 17 years ago

i would like if you add the rest of the song

@Gren 17 years ago

Oh my GOD! I LOVE THIS SONG! I CANT BELIEVE YOU TABBED IT! THANKS ARCHARD! and yes, the rest of the song would be extremely nice

@Rick 17 years ago

Archard... I freggin' love you - In a non gay kind of way lol but THANKS A LOT! :D

@archard 17 years ago

No problem mis amigos. And I'll tab out the rest if you would like.

@Koe 17 years ago

Nice job! Thanks for the tab.

@Gruber 17 years ago

Ah, good stuff, thanks man =D

@jackjunky 17 years ago

Thanks archard. i love gerudo valley and other kind of spanish music. let me know when you post new stuff. see ya

@link 17 years ago

hey archard I liked it i would like you to add the orchestral part plzzz.

@Scott the dude 17 years ago

Yo dude can u put in the drum set part for this I can only rock out so hard on guitar i'm a drummer in my band.

@archard 17 years ago

Drums huh? I never thought about it before but maybe I could start doing drum tabs, though I have no idea how to make them.

@eric 17 years ago

if you could tab out the rest that'd be awesome

@link 17 years ago

i can make the rest of the tabs the problem is i can't make tabs.

@Kyle Schaaf 17 years ago

Well, in the handheld version of fire emblem this is the only part that plays anyway so it's all good, and besides this is the best part of the whole song

@Rafiel 17 years ago

It's a little too light, can you email me a little on heavy side like include some of the third sting also. thank you, I almost managed to play it.

@Fox 17 years ago

very nice....now i will give you a challenge/request... would you be able to tab...the credits montage form the end of Starfox Adventures? ive been looking everywere for it...any help would be great..

@Suki 17 years ago

im begging ya man make more of these i will cry if you dont and may go kill a kitten

@Anonymous 17 years ago

Nice tabs but just so ya know, Hyrule temple is from Zelda, not Fire Emblem. Unfortunately there are no Fire Emblem courses for SSBM, because they really are amazing games(Fire Emblem games, that is) Anyway, good job and I also like your Zelda Ocarina tabs.

@Anonymous 17 years ago

Amazing tab!! Definitely the best Fire Emblem one out there ^^ and just to let you know, the song is "Together we Ride" if you care to know ;) Cheers!

@Anonymous 17 years ago

plz add the rest or email it to me plzzzzzzzzzz

@yoshistrings 17 years ago

like i continually say, it's to low on the neck...

@Anonymous 17 years ago

Ummm The song is from The Adventure of Link not Fire Emblem... Good tabs tho thnx.

@Lite 17 years ago

Yea.....But great tab, thx.

@yoshistrings 17 years ago

err... mabe its too inconvinient to "check your facts" before posting...

@Ocelot 17 years ago

Man you people are hilarious he is right... The person that should do some research is Lite. The song is from Zelda II: Adventure of Link. DONT BELEIVE ME UR RETARDED.


Listen to the music in the background.

@archard 17 years ago

This song is from Super Smash Brothers Melee, but it's called "Hyrule Temple: Fire Emblem" because it's the alternate music played on the Hyrule Temple stage.

@Ocelot 17 years ago

There is no alternate song for Hyrule Temple stage. The song comes from one place and thats Zelda 2. Its like making a Megaman stage but putting a Metriod song in the stage... Makes no sense what so ever. I hope you looked at the link I provided. The song in the background is the same song you here in SSBM Hyrule Temple stage which the stage name and song come from Zelda 2, not from Fire Emblem. As much as I like Fire Emblem there arent any stages in SSBM that are dedicated to Fire Emblem. No offence, but dont be so ignorant.

@daniellu14 17 years ago

There is an alternate song for the Hyrule Temple stage, Ocelot. There's two songs for that stage, one is the "Lost Temple" from that video you provided. The other is the "Fire Emblem" song. Although there are no stages dedicated to Fire Emblem in SSBM, the Hyrule Temple does in fact use the Fire Emblem theme. Maybe you should do some more research instead of dissing people?

@archard 17 years ago

Yes I did watch the video you posted and yes you're right that the normal Hyrule Temple song is based off the music from Adventure of Link. However, this tab is based off of the alternate music for the Hyrule Temple stage which, like daniellu said, does exist and is called "Fire Emblem". Go ahead and see for yourself, just hold R + L while the stage is loading to unlock it.

@Anonymous 17 years ago

So do you know when yo'll have the rest of the song done?

@Anonymous 17 years ago

seriously put the orchestral part into here it would be awesome thanks much

@BDawg 17 years ago

This song is justice :)

I'm new to guitar, so this is actually a pretty cool song to work up to :) but, I have trouble strumming the last few strings, I don't think I'm strumming hard enough or something, but it feels awkward...I tried dropping this to the A and D strings, starting from fret 7, because I think it sounds better at the beginning from there (which is all I can play :D) although it's harder to strum without hitting other strings....for me anyway :)

@Min 17 years ago

Can I get the rest of the song? Thank you!

@Anonymous 17 years ago

can I get the rest of the song please?

@Anonymous 17 years ago


@WiiandGuita 17 years ago

Hi caleb I was wondering if you'd put up the rest of the song? I'd like to see everything

@Anonymous 17 years ago

Hey, thanks for that ^^ And, for the questions of the song, this version is really called "Hyrule Temple: Fire Emblem", from SSBM, but it's a mix of "Together we ride" (the part that is tabbed) and "Fire Emblem Theme" (the missing part), the first from "Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword" and the second from all the series.

@Atlessa 17 years ago

OH MY Friggin' GOD thanks SO much!! <3<3<3<3

@Pon Nightingale 17 years ago

I think the orchestral part goes as such...

e: 5 5 5 5 B: 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3

Well that's all I've got haha...

Pull off if you think it sounds better. I do, personally. That's all I've got, I'm just sitting here with my guitar in my lap =D

@Black Infernape 17 years ago

Fire Emblem rules!!! But SSBM rules more! Roy's the best swordsman on that game! Hey, think you could post Mute City, Big Blue, or Corneria?

@dudebombyeahhh84 16 years ago

Man, this is HARD to play on an acoustic guitar. u gotta go all the way down the neck!

@dudebombyeahhh84 16 years ago

oh and by the way nice tab

@Wampert 16 years ago

man it is great please add the rest if u can :P

@jessejr13 16 years ago


@CanisArctus 16 years ago

This song is pure awesomeness, wrapped in a crusty crunch of perfection! Thanks for tabbing this :D

@Bambi 16 years ago

Pure awesomeness.

@Solid Snake 16 years ago

This is definitely in Super Smash Bros Melee, and it's in Brawl, too. So am I, so I'd know. It's not the Adventure of Link music. Try and play it thinking it's that. Great tab, Archard. You're pretty good.

I gotta get back to my huskies...

@Eloustical 16 years ago

It sounds very Spanish.....perfect fpr my classical, thanks!

@k3v1ntorres 16 years ago

you should also put up the bass part from the bridge, its awesome and would be a great addition to the rest of the song

@girlgotskill 15 years ago

the songs every gamer wants >o< THANK U!!!!!!

@Sigma 7 15 years ago

can u plz put the rest of the song?

@Link Strife07 14 years ago

This is definaltly amazing!

@dragoon120 13 years ago

This Brings Back memories :)