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Star Base: Where No Turtle Has Gone Before

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time

Super Nintendo

5.000 avg rating 1 rating

Tabber: Ranulf

Composer: Kazuhiko Uehara, Harumi Ueko

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

5240 views 13 years ago

Star Base:  Where No Turtle Has Gone Before
TMNT IV:  Turtles in Time
Super Nintendo
Tabbed by John Adams
Composed by Kôzô Nakamura, Kazuhiko Uehara, and Harumi Ueko






@Boheeka 13 years ago


@soundsandstuff 13 years ago


(crawls out of sewer)


(looks around)


Nice work dude!

(jumps back into sewer)

@Ranulf 13 years ago

falls in manhole

It's dark in here... Oh, thanks guys!

jumps back out of manhole

@Boheeka 13 years ago

Could you tab out the rhythm guitar figure too when you get a chance?

@soundsandstuff 13 years ago

Hey guys, here you go:

starbase rhythm guitar




I tried to make this tab as close to the original as possible but there were some parts I couldn't quite make out the rhythm guitar so I just placed some power chords that fit with the song in there, it works out in a way since I think it makes the tab more playable. Enjoy!

@Aleph 12 years ago

Hm, what do I do for that last part if I only have 22 frets? xD

@Aleph 12 years ago

Seems to require some serious bending xD I can only get the 22nd fret to go up like a half step, and it has like no sustain, either, but I guess it sounds okay to me, so I'll just stick with that. Thanks. :3