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Tabber: prozaxx1217
Composer: Takeo Miratsu
Style: Transcription, 2 or more instruments
Instrument: Guitar
5861 views 14 years ago
Media link: YouTube
Song: Battle Theme 3 Game: The Legend of Dragoon Composers: Dennis Martin, Takao Miratsu /=slide p=pulloff ~=let ring ok, so basically, i stumbled upon the main melody by coincidence. and i know for sure its pretty dang close. this sounds real good with distortion and a little bit of delay. ok lets get started. the little melody that is practically played throughout the entire song can be played likr this... e|----------------------------------- (4x) b|----------------------4------------ g|--3-5-6--3-5-6--3-5-3---6-5-6-5-3-5 d|----------------------------------- a|----------------------------------- E|----------------------------------- or how i stumbled upon it starting on the D string, 8th fret. e|--------------------------------------------- (4x) b|--------------------------------------------- g|---------------------------8----------------- d|--8-10-11--8-10-11--8-10-8---11-10-11-10-8-10 a|--------------------------------------------- E|--------------------------------------------- whichever way feels more easier for you to play, go with it. meanwhile, i just had my friend play these power chords on another guitar which is tuned the same except with a drop d on the 6th string. e|------------------------ (4x) b|------------------------ g|------------------------ d|--8-8--7-7--6-6--5-5---- a|--8-8--7-7--6-6--5-5---- D|--8-8--7-7--6-6--5-5---- so thats the first, id say 9 seconds. now onward to the next part. this will take you about 30 seconds into the song. im not worried so much about the part that sounds like the keyboard, im mainly focusing on the lead-ish part. the guitar in drop D is still doing the same thing. and then this little lead comes in. e|------------------------------ b|------------------------------ g|------10-6~-5~-6p5/1~-3p1p0~-- d|----8------------------------- a|--8--------------------------- E|------------------------------ e|------------------------------------- b|-----------11-14~-16-14~-13-11------- g|------8-10---------------------13-12- d|----8-------------------------------- a|--8---------------------------------- E|------------------------------------- and after that is what i believe to be a keyboard solo, and during this time the drop d guitar moves down to play this during the keyboard bit. e|--------------------------------------- b|--------------------------------------- g|--------------------------------------- d|--3-3--4~--3-3--2~--3-3--4~--5-5--6~--7~ a|--3-3--4~--3-3--2~--3-3--4~--5-5--6~--7~ D|--3-3--4~--3-3--2~--3-3--4~--5-5--6~--7~ after the keyboard solo, go back into the main melody once again and then after the lead comes back in, drop D guitar will change pattern to this e|--------------------------------------- b|--------------------------------------- g|--------------------------------------- d|--8-8-8-8--7-7-7-7--6-6-6-6--5----5~--- a|--8-8-8-8--7-7-7-7--6-6-6-6--5----5~--- D|--8-8-8-8--7-7-7-7--6-6-6-6--5----5~--- and then repeat.... not too bad, for my first tab. any questions, comments, requests, suggestions, anything contact me at [email protected] and im not sure if its just me, but this tab looked terrible in preview. so, if this is how it looks when its posted, i will revise, apologise and send you the tab via e-mail