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The King of the Golden Hall

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

PlayStation 2

3.667 avg rating 3 ratings

Tabber: yamsa

Composer: Howard Shore

Style: Transcription

Instrument: Guitar

12258 views 15 years ago

The King of the Golden Hall
Lord of the Rings
Howard Shore

This how to play the violin part of "The King of the Golden Hall" on guitar. I think it's pretty accurate, but feel free to correct any mistakes. 

e|--------------------| |--------------------|
B|--------------------| |--------------------|
G|-------5-4-5-5h7-4~-| |-5h4/2--------------|
D|-7-7-7--------------| |--------------------|
A|--------------------| |--------------------|
E|--------------------| |--------------------|

e|--------------------| |------------------5-|
B|--------------------| |-----------5-/-7----|
G|-------5-4-5-5/7----| |-------5-4----------|
D|-7-7-7-----------7--| |-7-7-7--------------|
A|--------------------| |--------------------|
E|--------------------| |--------------------|

e|--------------------| |------------------5~|
B|--------------------| |-----------5-/-7----|
G|-----------4-5-/7---| |-------5-4----------|
D|-----7-7-7--------7-| |-7-7-7--------------|
A|-7-7----------------| |--------------------|
E|--------------------| |--------------------|

e|-7------------------| |--------------------|
B|----8-7~-8-8~-------| |--------------------|
G|--------------------| |--------------------|
D|--------------------| |--------------------|
A|--------------------| |--------------------|
E|--------------------| |--------------------|

@ametueraspirant 11 years ago

pretty cool, normally i'd think it needs some harmony, but this is just fine on it's own.

@Basisti94 11 years ago

There's Lord of the Rings tabs here? Does this mean that I can arrange a Lord of the Rings song that was used in some of those games and get it in? Great.