PlayStation 2
3.667 avg rating 3 ratings
Tabber: yamsa
Composer: Howard Shore
Style: Transcription
Instrument: Guitar
12258 views 15 years ago
Media link: YouTube
The King of the Golden Hall Lord of the Rings Howard Shore yamsa 07/18/09 This how to play the violin part of "The King of the Golden Hall" on guitar. I think it's pretty accurate, but feel free to correct any mistakes. e|--------------------| |--------------------| B|--------------------| |--------------------| G|-------5-4-5-5h7-4~-| |-5h4/2--------------| D|-7-7-7--------------| |--------------------| A|--------------------| |--------------------| E|--------------------| |--------------------| e|--------------------| |------------------5-| B|--------------------| |-----------5-/-7----| G|-------5-4-5-5/7----| |-------5-4----------| D|-7-7-7-----------7--| |-7-7-7--------------| A|--------------------| |--------------------| E|--------------------| |--------------------| e|--------------------| |------------------5~| B|--------------------| |-----------5-/-7----| G|-----------4-5-/7---| |-------5-4----------| D|-----7-7-7--------7-| |-7-7-7--------------| A|-7-7----------------| |--------------------| E|--------------------| |--------------------| e|-7------------------| |--------------------| B|----8-7~-8-8~-------| |--------------------| G|--------------------| |--------------------| D|--------------------| |--------------------| A|--------------------| |--------------------| E|--------------------| |--------------------|
@ametueraspirant 11 years ago
pretty cool, normally i'd think it needs some harmony, but this is just fine on it's own.
@Basisti94 11 years ago
There's Lord of the Rings tabs here? Does this mean that I can arrange a Lord of the Rings song that was used in some of those games and get it in? Great.